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      Chadders reacted to jimmyg352's post in the thread Agree disagree with Like Like.
      My nephew has recently bought an XC60 T8 Recharge. 440bhp & he’s just towed his van up to Northumberland at 26mpg. It goes like s**t...
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      Chadders replied to the thread BMW X5 30D or Discovery 3.0 HSE.
      I love landrover always have since owning a series 3 back in the day but reliability issues put me off. Land Rover/ Range Rover have...
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      Chadders posted the thread Agree disagree in Tow Cars.
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      Chadders reacted to Ferrodo's post in the thread Inet options advice with Like Like.
      Take a look at the Falcon 4G combo. All I can say is it works very well for me on a Smarty sim both here and abroad. F
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      Chadders replied to the thread Inet options advice.
      I think that’s the way to go as said Ofcom checker says only O2 & Vodafone have coverage and then that’s not great but other people on...
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      Chadders reacted to Mel's post in the thread Inet options advice with Like Like.
      Tesco uses O2.
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      Chadders reacted to Buckman's post in the thread Inet options advice with Like Like.
      Govivo uses the O2 network so may work for you.
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      Chadders replied to the thread Inet options advice.
      Thanks according to Ofcom our only choice is O2 or Vodafone with a limited signal although there own websites say 4G is good or likely...
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      Chadders reacted to GUMPY's post in the thread Inet options advice with Like Like.
      The Huawei B818-263 receives 4g and transmits WiFi just like any other modem just needs a SIM to work.
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      Chadders replied to the thread Inet options advice.
      Thanks I’ve taken a look and saved a couple of sims in my Amazon wish list. There seems to be a big price difference in what’s available...
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      Chadders reacted to GUMPY's post in the thread Inet options advice with Like Like.
      You can get 1 month Sims from the likes of Smarty who use 3, 1p mobile who use EE and GiffGaff who use O2 to test the networks before...
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      Chadders replied to the thread Inet options advice.
      Thanks for the advice suggestions we want to keep our mobile phones separate from something we will use for laptops and tv. We both have...
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      Chadders reacted to Woodentop's post in the thread Inet options advice with Like Like.
      Sorry, but to a degree your mail does not make sense. Are you saying that your wife wants to use the caravan as an office at home, or...
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      Chadders reacted to Buckman's post in the thread Inet options advice with Like Like.
      Maybe the Axtex AMR 985 would be more suited for your needs...
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      Chadders replied to the thread Inet options advice.
      We’re going to be living in the caravan and my wife is continuing to work from home (in this case the caravan) until December when she...
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