Recent content by Colin_5040109

  1. C

    Sound System Vibration

    The vibrations from the speakers is not the problem, it is kids kicking footballs against the van side that is losening the internal fittings!
  2. C


    Nissan Primera petrol 1.8 SVE towing Bailey Pageant Auvergne 1335Kg all up - 23/25 at best. 30/33 solo or under 30 if you clog it!
  3. C

    Bailey Pageant Auvergne

    Hi Sean, I bought the 2004 model and after 4 weeks over the year I am delighted, large enough for 2 teenage children as well! No problems to report ( gas locker cover not brilliant)on the whole I am very pleased. As a matter of interest I traded up from a Bailey Ranger. Towing stability is great...