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    • D
      donde_ayer replied to the thread PLEASE HELP QUICK.
      Is it a 13 pin or is it the black 7 pin you've hit? I thought it was the grey socket you've hit.
    • D
      donde_ayer replied to the thread PLEASE HELP QUICK.
      Black socket is all legal driving stuff, grey socket is auxiliary stuff and reverse lights (not legal on the trailer). If it's the grey...
    • D
      donde_ayer replied to the thread Fridge setting when towing..
      Fridge on 12v, main van panel set to car (van panel may vary, not sure). Disconnect from mains, connect to car, turn car on. Bare in...
    • D
      donde_ayer replied to the thread Tv ariel.
      That's the amplifier for the aerial, far left is the feed from the aerial, the other 3 cables will go to sockets in the van. Could try...
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