Hutch's latest activity

  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Buckman's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Like Like.
    Not sure if it is just me, but have noticed more and more sites are adding all sorts of extras i.e. awning, dogs, extra adult etc. We do...
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Finally bought a van.
    A lot of sites near us are doing that, quote for a unit, ie Car and van, then when you go to pay, and a 2nd person id added.
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to alamo16584's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Like Like.
    I'm in kincorth for last 40yrs, but dragged up on Cummings park crescent
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Challenger's post in the thread One liners, Humour with Like Like.
    Topical, Ithought....
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Gagakev's post in the thread Woosie Club with Like Like.
    Thanks for the update Hutch. Hope it continues to go well for him. He'll be like a youngster soon, using his phone one handed, he'll...
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Finally bought a van.
    Mastrick, when it was almost a new build in the 1950's
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to alamo16584's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Love Love.
    Haha, I had butteries this morning & skirlie with chicken for Sunday dinner, will have mince n mealy through the week
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Danddandy's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Like Like.
    I don't think you "were looked down on". . We are all people watchers. . Life's a learning curve. . Caravanning is to be embraced and...
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Woosie Club.
    He only goes to FC, to letch at the Ladies, but Terrie keeps him under control. 😂😂😂
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to borderbilly's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Like Like.
    Nairn, Speyside have lovely club sites, i use them every year and not to far from you.
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Poolin water on caravan roof.
    I hope your recovery carries on without any hiccups, I would tend to have the caravan slightly nose down, but more importantly for us...
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Finally bought a van.
    Hello from a fellow Aberdonian, although I reside down south, in Milton Keynes. I really miss Butteries and Mealy puddings.
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Gafferbill's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Like Like.
    .....going to Brighton CAMC site in November for 5 days using their one night free out at £21.50/ day. Their sites suit...
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Beachball's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Like Like.
    We use to prefer CL's sites but with a fully serviced pitch we also like Adult parks as well with a pub nearby with great food .
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to alamo16584's post in the thread Finally bought a van with Like Like.
    Cheers, when we had last van, bout 15yrs ago we were members of the ccc & found as infrequent novices, we were looked down on as I took...