Hutch's latest activity

  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Lutz's post in the thread Berlin with Like Like.
    Water won't be an issue and in most cases EHU won't either. Just take as much gas with you as you will need, as once you are on the...
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Spring Travels.
    That would be great, we are 15 to 30 minutes away. Give me a call nearer the time. 😃
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Spring Travels.
    Last year was taken up with hospital appointments for eye operations. Now waiting for Carpal tunnel operations on both hands, so no...
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Gagakev's post in the thread Spring Travels with Haha Haha.
    STOP IT...............MODS LOCK THIS THREAD, I cant take anymore :cry: We haven't booked anything yet. :cry::cry:
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to toad a caravan's post in the thread Won’t budge with Haha Haha.
    Mel,,glad everything's now sorted,you nearly had a"locked thread" 🙂
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Mel's post in the thread Won’t budge with Like Like.
    Back to the storage yard, armed to the teeth with spanners, mallets and spray. These tools would normally have been on the van but had...
  • Hutch
    All primer coats have been finished, probably 15 thin coats in total. It’s not perfect but not too bad. 24 hours now for it to harden...
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Gagakev's post in the thread Any one used Caravan Guard for Insurance with Like Like.
    This is what I was also looking for really, real reports from real claims from real caravaners. I also found the policy after taking...
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Mr Plodd's post in the thread store caravan in Spain or France. with Like Like.
    That's my view as well! Hence me posting the details to hopefully prevent anyone getting caught out !
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread Tyres with Tyron bands.
    I have them fitted, thankfully I have the portable kit for when you need to change tyres. Even Kwik fit tech didn't have then correct...
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread DIY Toys.
    Dusty Dog , is also very smelly, when drinking certain beers at Steam Engine Rallies.
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Bob_5041432's post in the thread Tyres with Tyron bands with Like Like.
    Golly - what a lot of replies to a simple question. Every time it comes up, it generates a huge discussion. I have them fitted as well...
  • Hutch
    Hutch replied to the thread DIY Toys.
    Try googling, Hexamine tablets, you can get a different solid fuel tablets instead...
  • Hutch
    Hutch reacted to Mr Plodd's post in the thread Spare tyre on used caravan from dealer with Like Like.
    Provided the tyre looks to be in good condition I certainly wouldn't be bothered about using it if the need arose. I have just had my...
  • Hutch
    Just a quick update, filled in all the cracks and the big hole and I’ve left it for 2 days before sanding with 100 then 600 wet and dry...