Jcloughie's latest activity

  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie reacted to Tobes's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    Ha! love it. I am sat working on my customers network which is all around the world, and behind me in a box is my 1982 ZX Spectrum...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie reacted to JTQ's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    Quite right in respect to our cars, no way is anybody else going to wash them; seen them wipe the wheels and valance then with the same...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie reacted to JTQ's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    Can you remind us how we can do this ? ;)
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie replied to the thread Challenge of the day.
    Sounds like drilling platforms work a bit like Buckman’s caravan. 😝 Is the calibration to achieve a level datum, or to set angles...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie replied to the thread Nighttime driving glasses.
    My friend was having great problems driving at night for a few years. Optician did not seem to be able to help. He bought some night...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie replied to the thread Inflation.
    One Saturday, around the year 2000, GCHQ suddenly decided to invite family. So this is Pre Donut. We got our invite and turned up...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie replied to the thread Inflation.
    Referring back to my #3 post. Similarly, the ZX 81 in question was bought for my son in about 1979 followed by a Spectrum. They helped...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie reacted to Mel's post in the thread Inflation with Like Like.
    In the mid 1970s my secondary school introduced a brand new course “Computer Science”. Storage was on hard discs that it took 2 of us to...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie replied to the thread Inflation.
    In 1984/5 I was given £20,000 (£82,000 plus today), to buy whatever I fancied. Strange, as my only experience was a Spectrum ZX81...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie reacted to JTQ's post in the thread Torch plastic degradation with Like Like.
    I think you are right, its the polymers leaching out, and that I assume means a worrying health risk and so for me and mine past time...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie replied to the thread Torch plastic degradation.
    We have had a couple of items that have gone this way. I think it is just certain (soft feel) plastics. Not found anything to fix it...
  • Jcloughie
    Could be bold and go black or silver. John
  • Jcloughie
    Looks really good work. Be great to see the finished job. John
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie replied to the thread Diesel heaters ?.
    In the 60’s, on building sites in the winter we would make our own disposable diesel heaters. A1 gallon tin half full with dry sand and...
  • Jcloughie
    Jcloughie reacted to RogerL's post in the thread Diesel heaters ? with Like Like.
    That's noticeable when searching Ebay or Amazon as the identical product, with identical pictures and words are sold under a myriad of...