Recent content by JohnMW

  1. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi Guzzilazz, The ATC is also an unseen but known aid to snaking and has been known to apply the caravan brakes to both wheels and lock them up to the point of skidding even though it is supposed to be an on off application, most drivers will be aware what happens if you apply the handbrake to...
  2. J

    Air conditioning

    Hi JohnL I was just about to say the same when I spotted your post - I note you are still on the ball. JohnMW
  3. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi, I just stopped by to let you know I am still around, thanks for your offer but I am into other things. Just by the way in my posts I made a comment regarding the uses of electronic devices in particular the ATC systems.. Recently two Boeing 737 Max aircraft have crashed killing all on...
  4. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hello JohnL Now that I know you a little better I have be honest with you. When I said I agreed with your hypothesis on the nose up or down with caravans I should have added that only if there is a control system in place. The observations made by all the caravan /chassis builders is spot on...
  5. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi JohnL Thanks for that - Now I am better informed about how I should address you - I simply just try not be too technical but i have difficulty balancing this between the those that just want low level info and the extreme - I have now learnt to be politically correct with my words otherwise...
  6. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Johnl That was never meant to associate caravans with artics - it was to point out that Universities etc do miss out finding a solution because they sometimes do not understand the problem they are trying to solve. Fifth wheels are totally different to the tow ball on a caravan. I agree...
  7. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Otherclive, I agree the term is not appropriate - I was referring to overseas students and the only point was that the work done on that model illustrated was not the work of the Dr had it been done by him I'm confident more could have been achieved. Often students with no practical...
  8. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi Dusty That's correct for the ones you mentioned but not mine - you can be very naughty with all those points and my system will cope very well and just tell you gently if you been a bad boy.
  9. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi EH5, Ok - I love a challenge but where are the results of the 5 phase electronic discriminator , combined with the Hydraulic tow ball clamp. I agree that if the clamping could be controlled rather than static then it would provide a solution. Definition of good luck - when Preparation...
  10. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi Dusty Let me make clear - the regulations now make it such that all modifications to vehicle systems must be type approved - Accessories do not apply here. It is prohibited to drill or weld any part of the chassis, it must not interfere with the approved systems such as brakes. any...
  11. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi johnL Thanks for answering that one so eloquently - pitch is a difficult one to solve especially how to integrate it with the other control vectors. The problem is that one cannot make it ridgid so a solution must be capable of allowing it flex or something will break eventually, yet...
  12. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi JohnL I did read all your post and thanks - I am reluctant to go on to much on sites such as this and often being too brief can and does make for a return avalanche of words. I completely agree with what you say and also with respect to the Universities - my son did his masters degree in...
  13. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    OOps I just read the comment on Rule 6 and I will cease commenting - since I am not selling just promoting a concept I did not realise I was out of order so If you wish I will not be offended if the posts are removed and please accept my apologies Just like to say I am not a traditionalist but...
  14. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hi Mel, You may be right in your comment but I thought start with people who use the product - trying to introduce a concept that is unknown or hard to figure out even by fellow engineers is fraught with misunderstanding or just plain doggedness and indifference. I do have a facebook...
  15. J

    Caravan Stability 2

    Hello JohnL Thanks for the post - I know of the Bath University project and have been a critic of what they have come up with after 25 years of investment - nothing. The model they produced only demonstrates what happens when there is a negative load on the nose and what we all have witnessed...