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      Mikc16 reacted to borderbilly's post in the thread Trim with Like Like.
      Yes its quick drying. Small bottle is the glue and the tin is aerosol-activator, about 30 seconds.
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      Mikc16 replied to the thread Trim.
      Is it quick drying
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      Mikc16 reacted to Jcloughie's post in the thread Trim with Like Like.
      What works for many things is mitre glue. I have used it for countless things. There are lots of makes, this is an example. John
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      Mikc16 posted the thread Trim in General.
      hey, anyone know how what I can use to fix the trimming place? We have recently changed the trim, but unfortunately it keeps coming out...
      • IMG_2231.jpeg
      • IMG_2230.jpeg
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      Mikc16 reacted to Deejuk's post in the thread Damp with Like Like.
      Looks like from the video that it can be repaired. You know your van is only 8 years old and considering our van is 31 years yours is...
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      Mikc16 posted the thread Damp in Technical.
      I have just check the corners underneat and found the floor sooft on my pegasus brindisi 2016.Can this be repaired?
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      Hi,I have a 2016 pegasus brindisi and was look for any advice to fit a solar panel on the roof.The battery box is under the bed and was...
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