Mr Plodd's latest activity

  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread What Awning Knaus.
    Any sort of motorbike is going to almost certainly weigh a lot more than a caravans available payload! (They all have maximum legally...
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd reacted to Hutch's post in the thread CAMC August 2024 magazine with Like Like.
    Because they have stopped repeating the articles. !!!
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd reacted to borderbilly's post in the thread Onsite TV service with Like Like.
    I wouldn't say having no TV on site is a real problem, maybe a inconvenience, but not a problem.
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Onsite TV service.
    Oh come ON! Can neither of you see the humorous intent? Clearly not I suppose :rolleyes:
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Onsite TV service.
    Or read a book, play a board game, do a jigsaw, go for a walk, talk to each other, listen to an audio book, go to the pub? Lots of...
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd reacted to otherclive's post in the thread Fuel pricing rip off continues. with Like Like.
    We use Nectar points for the Christmas shop. I’ve not seen anything wrt increases in fuel duty etc.
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Noxious smell.
    Still needs to not use in on gas, just in case.
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Noxious smell.
    If this problem is only evident when the fridge is on gas then you need to have the fridge looked at by a qualified gas engineer. In the...
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Blocked drain.
    Milton is designed to kill bacteria not unblock drains! First thing I would try is, contrary to a previous poster, a kettle full of...
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Workshop manuals.
    Entirely currect, BUT absolutely no indication that the OP is anywhere other than in the UK IF you read the original post.
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Scam Alert.
    Yep, missed out "wont" Doh!
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Workshop manuals.
    What exactly do you want to know? Someone on here will have the answer!
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Scam Alert.
    If anyone ever rings you purporting to be from your bank don't believe them. Ask for their name and if they are calling from ????? Bank...
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd reacted to borderbilly's post in the thread Trivia. with Like Like.
    yes, London Bobby,,,,Jobby.
  • Mr Plodd
    Mr Plodd replied to the thread Black Button.
    No it doesnt! What's the car as many don't have the necessary permanent live feed tuat powers the ATC so that could be your problem. Or...