otherclive's latest activity

  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Visitor tax.
    So with all these locals selling their properties where do they go to live? Presumably building new in Skye might be an option subject...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Sam Vimes's post in the thread Visitor tax with Like Like.
    Its true and there are some that are very vocal about the impact of tourism yet at the same time will sell their house or building plot...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Visitor tax.
    Todays headlines wrt Spain planning to tax non EU citizens 100% when buying residential property. I’m told that Greenland still...
  • otherclive
    Use a plastic trim remover or a thin kitchen utensil (fish slice,spatula) and gently lever up.
  • otherclive
    Normally by the time you can smell damp it’s become expensive to remedy, sometimes fatally so.
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Visitor tax.
    Yes as we visited him sometimes. But after five years he decided to return to Leicester as he found Lynton too remote in winter and he...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Visitor tax.
    My father retired from Leicester to Lynton and set up a B&B whilst also working in the local economy, and participating in community...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Ratchet advice required..
    Our Kia has just a single battery and the car is now eight years old on its original OEM battery. Stop start does get used but not 100%...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to RogerL's post in the thread Visitor tax with Like Like.
    More to the point - why did they remove the toll for the Skye Bridge? On a general note - excessive tourism spoils places - I'm...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Dustydog's post in the thread Visitor tax with Like Like.
    When you live somewhere small and pretty Nimbyism becomes rife,sadly. My parents lived at a North Devon Town for 40 years. We hated the...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Challenger's post in the thread Visitor tax with Like Like.
    We have been paying a tourist tax on camp site fees when visiting France and Benelux for many years. We often thought what a good idea...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Sam Vimes's post in the thread Visitor tax with Like Like.
    As I mentioned previously - its questionable about how much of the money people spend in an area actually stays in the area...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Mel's post in the thread Hi Everyone with Like Like.
    Welcome to the forum. Condition is more important than age and if buying privately it is well worth spending a bit of money on an...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Ratchet advice required..
    Not sure I’d go with a non known brand that didn’t even say Aux14 on its label, despite what the seller says My experience with that...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Hi Everyone.
    Within your budget you need to look at a caravans material condition. Has it been well looked after and are there any recent service...