otherclive's latest activity

  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Courtesy and brake lights.
    My Toyota removes Autohold after about 5 minutes and applies parking brake. Rear brake lights then go off. Not dissimilar to yours.
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to birdman101's post in the thread Breakdown cover AA via Nationwide with Like Like.
    In the late 1990’s our then 3 year old Discovery and a month out of warranty the gearbox went whilst towing caravan. Had AA recover...
  • otherclive
    Not everyone has your undoubted DIY ability, but at least my post showed the OP something that might be if helpful and they have the...
  • otherclive
    Along with Ian’s suggestion would a Kampa awning pulley make it easier. Several YouTube videos showing how they work...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Induction v halogen.
    You would turn the induction hob off prior to moving. But better ask he BHF on how to meet their guidance.
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Forum Search Facility.
    Using my IPad I searched for Free Running Tyre and it picked up the recent posts. I then searched Kargomax and it went back to 2011 at...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Induction v halogen.
    As long as you are 2ft or more away BHF say that's sufficient.
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Caravan insurance.
    With CMHC you also have the option of using CS (five van sites) when you take the van on tour. These range from a field with toilet...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Caravan insurance.
    Would you get a quote via Swift then?
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Induction v halogen.
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Caravan insurance.
    I th Don’t Swift have a caravan insurance scheme for brand new caravans, and it was with CaravanGuard.
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Jcloughie's post in the thread New to Caravanning with Like Like.
    Hi and welcome. Good luck with your repairs. Your statement: the price tag vs the quality of this product doesn't seem to marry up to...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Caravan insurance.
    I always used one or other of the two Clubs. Not the cheapest but an excellent reputation for efficient settling of claims.
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Buckman's post in the thread Sky T.V. with Like Like.
    We never had TV until 1975 and then it was 90% colour. Broadcast was 4 hours a night from 6pm until 10pm and it was really awful, awful...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Sky T.V..
    We bought a Murphy colour tv when we were students, and I recall we both were riveted to it during the anxious hours of Apollo 13...