otherclive's latest activity

  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to ProfJohnL's post in the thread Build quality with Haha Haha.
    Don't get me started.......
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to woodsieboy's post in the thread Build quality with Like Like.
    We too have a Swift, a 2019 dealer special based on Challenger, our ninth caravan and not the worst by a long way,we have had the usual...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Buckman's post in the thread Electricity usage with Like Like.
    In the past 20 or more years never found the need to meter our consumption and we have been on sites where it was limited to 4amp, but...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Electricity usage.
    Knowing what each item consumes is useful, but you don’t have them all on together you need to estimate a usage profile and we are all...
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Hutch's post in the thread Induction v halogen with Like Like.
    I miss a gas ring on our home cooker as when using a WOK the heat doesn't get up the side of the Wok. But the Cadac we have works well...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Sad day!.
    It is a hard decision but the time comes when you know it’s the right one for you both. CMHC classifieds are a good site to sell stuff...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Paying for new caravan.
    I’m sure it will go okay as businesses operate these payment systems day in day out. Interested in having your feedback on the...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Induction v halogen.
    Yes but in cooler weather your gas heating backs off because of the excess heat from the gas hob. Similarly since fitting LED bulbs...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Paying for new caravan.
    If possible I use debit card on the day. We did that recently for the new car and no problems.
  • otherclive
    otherclive reacted to Martin_E's post in the thread One liners, Humour with Like Like.
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Damp reading in new caravan..
    It’s been a dire, wet winter that doesn’t help. I would just keep an eye on them looking for any trends showing an increase. Being...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Learner driver.
    By the time your count end ULEZ and LEZ will be history for private vehicles as they will all be EV or exempt 😱
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Learner driver.
    Beware Profs warnings! https://www.gov.uk/towing-rules/y
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Learner driver.
    In the case quoted by Beardy the website is correct as it’s been widely known about for years. Post Covid my grandsons partner took...
  • otherclive
    otherclive replied to the thread Learner driver.
    Amazing, they were cracking cars. No doubt the new owner will cherish it.