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Viewing thread Loose wheels and ATC

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    • R
      retired ian replied to the thread Loose wheels and ATC.
      Just for information the wheel bolts are 10.9 Grade 10.9 bolts have a minimum tensile strength of 1040 MPa (145,000 psi). Here's a...
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      retired ian replied to the thread Loose wheels and ATC.
      Not sure about the locking device. But the aircraft industry use positive locking and it tends to work. Your other point about power...
    • R
      retired ian replied to the thread Loose wheels and ATC.
      A cars front wheels have driven,stop and turn. A caravan only brake. I agree bolts don't turn until there's an issue. Fail safe is a...
    • R
      retired ian replied to the thread Loose wheels and ATC.
      I found it hard to describe the test button proposed for the ATC. The way I was thinking was. 1 Connect 13 pin plug, this applies power...
    • R
      I've only been towing for 3 years, so if this has been discussed before I'm sorry. I had a wheel detached and strike a car recently. I...
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