Recent content by TS1997

  1. T

    Looking for a new car that is capable of towing

    Hello ProfJohnL, Thanks for checking. I'm aware of the fact that basically everything will be worse towing than driving solo, the thing about my current car though is that it takes too much of a hit. It's a NA i6 and it doesn't reach peak torque until 6000RPM which is the biggest issue. I'm...
  2. T

    Looking for a new car that is capable of towing

    I phrased that part kind of bad, it was capable enough but the powerband wasn't the best so I had to be above 3500RPM as soon as the slightest incline came up. Maybe a less powerful car with a different powerband does better but I haven't tried anything and am looking for input and experience...
  3. T

    Looking for a new car that is capable of towing

    Hello! I currently have a 1999 BMW 523i E39 that on paper is capable of towing 1800 kg but in reality that isn't the case as it struggled with a 1200 kg caravan. It has also given me loads of trouble lately and I'm therefore looking for a new car. I'm primarily looking for a station wagon that...