Recent content by Tux

  1. T

    Warning: your towbar could invalidate your car insurance

    These admin fees are a bit of a joke... £20 for a couple of seconds of computer code to run. Not like there's some clerk sat there rummaging through reams of paper to dig out my policy then doing a load of sums on a calculator.
  2. T

    What's for dinner on Christmas Day?

    Not baaaaaad.
  3. T

    Warning: your towbar could invalidate your car insurance

    Aah , premium actually gone down by £6.09 but there is a £20 admin fee .
  4. T

    What's for dinner on Christmas Day?

    Just beautiful
  5. T

    What's for dinner on Christmas Day?

    Yorkshires? Abso-flipping-lutly!
  6. T

    Warning: your towbar could invalidate your car insurance

    Thankyou very much RogerL for raising this. Tow bar was indeed in the list of possible modifications on the People's Choice insurance portal. Now amended, of course, any excuse to get a bit more dosh out of me... £13 for the year so not the end of the world.
  7. T

    What's for dinner on Christmas Day?

    Gurt big fry up in the morning, fore-rib of beef for dinner. No turkey here .
  8. T

    Warning: your towbar could invalidate your car insurance

    This is very worrying... I'm going to have to check my policy... Is my CB aerial a modification?!
  9. T

    Common charging cable for electronic devices.

    I'm not sure if it was this or another forum where I mentioned it but USB A is crp. USB A has become 'the' standard if only defacto. Working in IT I have only seen strong adoption of USB C on Macs and Dell laptops. No current Mac has USB A ports and yet Mac users have survived. I use a...
  10. T

    Storing caravan on grass (farm)

    Can't imagine being on grass would pose more of a rodent risk.
  11. T

    Common charging cable for electronic devices.

    Oh how my heart sinks when I buy something and discover it has a micro USB connection.
  12. T

    Anyone run their heater when caravan not in use?

    Mine is in storage and I leave a couple of windows on night latch either side to help air flow.
  13. T

    Making own nose weight guage

    I just use a Milenco bouncy scale. Life is too short to worry about a kilo here or there.
  14. T

    Allowed extensions

    No, you can literally share and individual file via a link.... Provided you don't share the directory.
  15. T

    Isn't technology wonderful

    T We can and should do both.