2017 Coachman VIP 565 review

Nov 12, 2013
There haven't been huge changes to the range for 2017 – but our Group Editor is a big fan of what revisions have been made to the Coachman VIP 565. Please click here to find out more!
Jun 17, 2011
Some subtle changes have been made since 2016. The shower is huge but the new wash basin impractical. The single beds have been lowered and seriously reduced useful storage- we used to get 2 narrow golf bags under one bed before, only 1 now so a backwards step. The flat surface taps look lovely to look at and use but a devil to keep clean. The table stowage is also smaller so no where to store the daily paper out of site. I also think the beds are shorter but the claimed dimensions tell me I'm wrong, (I only just fit at 6 ft 2 ins whereas in the 2014 i could stretch right out!) Still we love being in the Coachman!!!!


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