2017 Venus 590/6

May 7, 2012
The caravan looks an excellent buy for a family. Drop down fronts for the front lockers might be useful but it is built down to a budget and somethings have to go. The manual toilet will | doubt bother people, it is what we have at home and does not rely on the electrics so has some advantages.
Given their success in the PC customer survey it should do well.
Aug 23, 2009
Ray, I think all family vans could do with manual flush toilets. Most little darlings have had too much fun with the button on the electric one at some point.
May 7, 2012
Martin, I agree and might even ask if we can get one when we replace the Quasar after one 6 year olds fun..
Mar 14, 2005
Raywood said:
Martin, I agree and might even ask if we can get one when we replace the Quasar after one 6 year olds fun..

Are you refering to " little darlings" ;)
May 7, 2012
Just had a look at the Venus at the Glasgow show. It does appear good value although you can see a bit of cost cutting but generally Lunar seem to have got it right.
Jan 25, 2010
We chose this van on weight rather than price and I have to say its superior in many ways to its competitors efforts at "entry level". As a family of 4 the layout is ideal and having compared with its rivals meticulously I don't see that the quality is compromised compared to much heavier and more expensive vans.

The first negative score in this article was the aesthetics which I don't agree with, it may not be chrome but the decals are pleasant and the van looks clean and smart but then I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Another point made was the front under-bed storage not having access lockers - not an issue for us at all although our old van did have them its not something I can say we used frequently or I will miss.

I was also surprised by the manual flush being a negative in the review I don't know how the other half live but we have to move a handle on our toilets at home too :cheer:


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