2018 Coachman VIP 460 review

Aug 23, 2009
We had a look at the twin axle VIP's at The Lawns this year. We had three Coachman's up to 2014 and the quality especially inside was a little worse with each one. Before the 2018 launch I had even described them getting quite flimsy. When the old shape VIP was launched I really didn't like it and told Jim and the team as much. This year I was able to give much more positive feedback. The exterior looks, in my opinion, much improved I'd go as far as to say harking back to great looking vans from the past, such as the proper Buccaneer, Van Royce and the like. Inside the quality has returned. everything is much more solid inside and again. It looks as if Coachman are back on track.
Feb 3, 2008
I was bemused by the comment "the kitchen cupboard doors are a different colour to those in the lounge so you know you are in the kitchen." If you don't know you are in the kitchen in a 2 berth van, then God help you. ;)

We are still happy with our 2 berth Lunar, so won't be changing just yet.
Nov 11, 2009
It looks a nice caravan and it’s overall length is about on a par with my current Caravan. When we finish taking “ visitors” away with us it could be a contender for us. The bathroom area would be an excellent kennel! But could I live with such a low payload. No.


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