42 day detention rule

Jan 19, 2008
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This has confirmed my fear about the government in waiting, they will be no better than the present rabble. Their Shadow home secretary throws his toys out of the pram and resigns because of the extension. This is the man who says "Labour is soft on crime". When this government does as asked by the police and security agencies the Tories try to score political points. When will they see the light and put party loyalty aside and think of the innocent who are going about their business before being blown to smithereens. We all know that the police and security services need time. They are asking for more time. They have now been given more time. As far as I'm concerned people like Davis also have blood on their hands when these atrocities happen. This is a global problem, not something that only happens within our shores. Other countries are involved and all the information needs to be collated. Terrorists today use all the latest technology to carry out their evil deeds and our law agencies need all the help they can get in stopping them.

People like Davis make me puke, when an atrocity happens people like him are the first to point an accusing finger at someone else. They need to take a long hard look at themselves instead of trying to score points against the opposition. Britain and the innocent comes first, not party politics.


Mar 26, 2008
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Well said M'lud !

Do you not fancy applying for Davis's job, there are probably enough of us out here for you to get the common sense vote and you've obviously not got anything better to do since you switched the blue lights off, so go on, I dare you, you might even get to replace useless Gordy, and the Political scene is in desperate need of a common sense injection !

Jan 19, 2008
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Thanks Ken but I can think of one or two on here that would rather see me dead than me have the position .... heh! heh!

If I did have the job my first move would be to ban political correctness and repeal the human rights charter. Once that is done 90% of the battle is won ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. - this is becoming a habit - yet again, although a Tory supporter through and through, I must agree with you 100%. The thing that now worries me is that if you retain your title of "Lord", become the future home secretary or even higher and a moderator on this forum you will let the power go to your head and we would end up like Zimbabwe and have a dictator in high power hehehehe.
Jan 19, 2008
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The Tories are as bad as New Labour Colyn. They all think of the same thing, how much they can screw out of us to fund their lifestyles, buy their second homes and furnish them with the latest luxuries.

Political correctness, although the mass of population would like to see the end of it along with it's disciples, is too ingrained into political parties minds and the Liberals are the worse. The cancer has attacked every organ of British culture and all we hold dear and love. As thousands of illegal immigrants pour in every week this further weakens what we believe in. These people don't give a damn about this country, all they want is the handouts.
Apr 22, 2006
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Well Lord B and Colin I do think we need to find a mutal watering hole that has a few bottles of Glenmorangie in order to launch this non PC LB for Prime Minister campaign. Ken you being from Durham I realise you will be a teetotaler and in order to respect your rights and wishes you may bring the water.

( Ps I hope this letter does not offend anyone that does not approve of alchol, of people using fossil fuels for a get together and the fact that there are no women mentioned does not exclude them on the grounds of sex or race)

See if you were in charge LB only half the typing required.
Mar 14, 2005
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As I have said on another posting - the more one thinks about the way the main political parties are working the more the likes of UKIP and BNP seem the better option, Sein Fein and Plaid Cymru were once considered "rabble" political fringe groups but are now recognised political parties so who knows - in a couple of years perhaps there may be different opinion of these two new parties..
Jan 19, 2008
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For proof of the pudding just look at yesterdays judgement where four people, Ethiopians, fled to this country and was given succour. They had the full hospitality of this country. They have been found guilty of harbouring and helping terrorists to escape and also not informing the police when knowing that ones husband went out to blow people to bits.

We now have the expence of keeping these four in jail, plus the bombers, people who shouldn't be in this country anyway. The legal eagles say "after they have served their sentences they may be considered for deportation".

What a joke, they should be strung up.


Mar 26, 2008
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Nice one ! but the nearest I get to being teetotal is when I get the rare opportunity to drink all that way further north in Chester le Street as all the beer is watered down !

If you think you could squeeze your heavy into the car park at the Church Mouse or the Newton Grange I'll stand you one mate.


Mar 14, 2005
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One thing that strikes me about this situation where a sitting MP can resign and then put himself back up for the by-election is who is paying for him to conduct his political campaign??

Short answer us!

Surely if you resign on a point of principle you should not be allowed back in until the next general election.

Perhaps this buffoon will offer to pay for the by-election out of his own pocket.

If none of the main parties put up a candidate I think the locals would be better off with the Monster Raving Loonies.
Jan 19, 2008
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Apparently he has been told that he has to pay for his own campaign, it will not be funded by the Tory Party.

You are right about us paying for the rest, election officers, papers etc. The cost to us is estimated to be
May 25, 2008
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I thought I heard people calling out for a referendum on the EU or maybe on Hanging etc ??? .Then when someone is prepared to put his job on the line, on a matter of principle you say he has spat the dummy out !!! What Davies has done is offered his electorate a referndum on 42 days. A step to far beyond 28 days for him. As for Blood on his Hands you seem prepared to have anyones blood on yours "String Them Up " seems to be a regular quote around here. Just an observation.


For once I am prepared to support Frank on this one. As he states the guy has given up a very lucrative job and could even risk losing everything. It is possibly time we had a few more politicians who are prepared to state their case, and risk their wallets rather than just toe the the Party line and take the bucks.

His timing is probably not the best but he vote was not in his control and if he had waited then again people would have criticised his delay. Also just resigning would only have had a limited effect, this way at least his constituents get a chance to have their say in whether they think he is right or wrong. If we could have an election now then I suspect many of us would be busting to have our say.

Unfortunately, I ssupect he will follow the path of Enoch Powell, a great politician but never able to show his value. I wish him well and would only hope that more would dare to follow.
Jan 19, 2008
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So if a vote goes against what an M.P. voted for it's o.k. for them all to quit and have hundreds of by-elections throughout the country?

It's a farce.

SL you say "risk his wallet". It's our wallets he has his hand in because he's not paying and neither would any other over-paid M.P. who threw a tantrum, resigned and then stood again for their same seat. Brian Rix comes to mind.

The plonker is still sulking at being beaten by Cameron and I think it's payback time.
Jan 19, 2008
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(Personal comment removed)

Figures for 2005

The UK is home to around 430,000 illegal immigrants, and possibly up to 570,000, according to a new government estimate published today.

The Home Office issued figures estimating the size of the unauthorised migrant population for the first time, putting the figure at between 310,000 and 570,000. This is an estimate because they do not know for sure. Immigration Watch say the figure is over 800,000.

(Is Immigration Watch an offshoot of the BNP Frank?)

The figure does not include asylum seekers whose applications are being processed, or who are appealing against a refusal - a group put at between 716,000 and 772,000.

The figures relate to data gathered in April 2001.

The shadow home secretary, David Davis, called it a "shocking indictment of the total shambles that is Labour's immigration and asylum policy".

"This report shows unequivocally that the prime minister was wrong when he claimed it was impossible to know how many failed illegal immigrants there are in Britain."

Ahhhhhhhh wait, isn't that the David Davis who has just resigned? Seems strange that he is against letting them in yet when they are in and try to blow innocents to bits or are involved in the plots, just like the four illegals convicted this week, he is against giving the security agencies the help they need to apprehend them. What weird principles. Double standards or political point scoring. He must learn that you cannot ride two horses with one ar$*.

Let's take those figures ... say 500,000 are here illegally, there are another say 750,000 being processed. That equals 1.25 million. Let's say 1000 enter per week, that equates to 52,000 per year. So by my figures it would take over 24 years to reach 1.25 million illegals so maybe I was right afterall, thousands do enter the country every week.

(Comment removed)


Whoa baby!

Methinks you are getting too many agendas into the same thread.

I suspect the David Davis has many objections to the policies his own Party are following but has kept quiet because of the so called mantra.... Party Unity.

Hopwever, the so calle 42 day rule is merely an excuse for a Party that has not the faintest idea of how to actually deal with terrorism. The more it can lock people up the better it thinks it is doing. While none of us have any objection whatsoever of locking up terrorists, it is proving they actually are that is the problem. If the Police and the Security Serrvices cannot find evidence to charge someone whithin 28 days as the Law currently stands, will extending it to 42 make them any more efficient?

Bluntly I occasionally look at websites on the Nazi era, does that make me a closet Nazi? Should I be locked up for 42 days without charge so the Poilice can fabricate a case? And why stop at 42 days?? Why not have anyone who is, in the view of the State, not a willing supplicant, be locked up for eternity?

We must have justice and it must be seen to be done, not an excuse to cover failure. Or we will have umpteen cases like the IRA ones in the 70's and 80-'s where the guilty got away with it, and no one else was ever charged.


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