A Brighter future for fat kids ;)

Sep 18, 2009
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40 years ago it was the Fat Boy or Fat Girl who got the rough end of the proverbial stick in our schools.

Fat children were different, fat children got bullied, fat children, generally, had a very thin time of it indeed.

Being fat was something that set such a child apart from his/her peers - and, being so set apart, life inevitably became a living hell.

Today, fat children can rejoice in the knowledge that never before in history has there been a better time to be fat.

Not only are there more fat children that ever before - more than enough, in fact, for even the most dedicated bullies to cope with - but there has arisen an entire raft of children who are so startlingly different from their peers that mere obesity pales into insignificance.

Four decades ago there were no openly homosexual boys, nor lesbian girls - and one suspects that even the Headteachers of that era would have been hard pressed to explain what 'gender reorientation' meant.

News that a 12 year old boy has suddenly returned to his school as a 'girl', replete with school skirt and ribboned pig-tails, should be a source of tremendous relief to every fat child at the school - who can now enjoy that fourth Mars bar safe in the knowledge that an ample figure is, when it comes to vying for the attention of bullies, simply no match for a boy-who-insists-that-he's-a-girl, and who has been provided with his own personal toilet and changing facilities while the matter remains unresolved.

The fat boy might, however, experience a twinge of jealousy when he sees the lengths to which the school is prepared to go to defend the latest addition to the register.

A special school assembly, called to warn pupils of draconian action against them if they fail to treat their exotic new classmate as anything other than female - probably with all sorts of criminal convictions in the pipeline for assorted hate-crimes and their failure to embrace diversity with sufficient enthusiasm.

The fat boy might well reflect that his torment, while every bit as hateful and hurtful, never merited such a censure, nor attracted the possibility of the prosecution of his persecutors.

However, the past is the past - and the fat boy can look forward with considerable enthusiasm to a far happier future, in which the school corridors are thronged with boys who want to be girls, girls who want to be boys, girls and boys who want to stay as they are, but who want to have sexual relationships with members of their own sex - a thoroughly modern melee in which his own physical shortcomings are not even noticed.

Unless, of course, he unwisely decides that he wants to be a fat girl, instead....



Mar 14, 2005
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Will It?

If it is from the Sun,well,that particular "newspaper" is the font of all knowledge.............very high class reading.


May 25, 2009
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If everybody is getting fatter, then the AVERAGE degree of fatness will rise, so the point at which somebody is regarded as fat will also rise. So lots of those fat kids are not fat after all, just average.

When I was called up for National Service (1958) I weighed 9 stone and had a 32" chest. But I could ride a bike from Croydon to Brighton and back at a moments notice, and swim a length under water. You could also punch me in the midrif, and I wouldn't fold.

Then I met my wife. I now tip the scales at 100kg, and need a new suit everytime somebody gets married. But you can still count my ribs.

Hmmmm. I guess nobody wanted to know that.

Sep 18, 2009
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It will be interesting to see whether Damian steps in to give this one a "deletion warning"...
It will be interesting to see whether Damian steps in to give this one a "deletion warning"... ⇦br/>

I hope not, it wasn't intended as 'stirring' post and, in fact, I feel desperately sad for the boy involved - knowing what his fate will be in that school.

I speak as one who was once The Fat Boy, and who endured a host of indignities for being so.

What struck me when I read the article was the monumental change in our schools since I attended in the 1960's. Then, the idea of a boy coming to school in a dress and pig-tails was about as likley as an alien spacecraft landing on the football field ;)

Having said that, if such a boy *had* arrived, I would have been inordinately glad to have seen him - not least because it would have certainly transferred unwelcome attention away from me!

I also cannot help smiling when I think of what my Headmaster ( a man who wore a black gown, and who was fond of quoting Skaesperian exhortations to self-improvement) would have said and done if he had been conformted with the realities of our 21st Century education system ;)
Feb 24, 2008
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Hi CC,

I wasn't suggesting for a moment your post was meant as a "stirring post". Its great to have such a variety of topics on here. I posted about something I had seen on the BBC news which related to a mental health issue and it was deemed unacceptable by Damian and threatened with deletion due to confidentiality of the person being discussed. Moreover the threat of deletion and close monitoring was due to this being a caravan forum where such topics are deemed inappropriate (although it was posted in chit chat). I was just interested to see whether Damian pounced on your post in the same way to uphold confidentiality of this person undergoing gender realignment but I'm glad to see its been left to run its course. Its just Sun readers who are being belittled today..... Surely mods are here to ensure a fair and even playing field within forum etiquette rules, not to use their position to silence others or bring their own personal judgements into a thread to patronise other forum users e.g. ridicule those who read a particular newspaper? I wonder if joe soaps like me would get away with it or be pulled up for inciting bad feeling?


Nov 12, 2009
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No one likes their posts to be deleted or to attract the unwelcome attention of a forum moderator, that is entirely understandable.

I'll try to give a (hopefully brief!)explanation of things from a mods perspective.

I know that Damian is more than capable of speaking for himself but fwiw this is my own take on these situations that arise on this forum from time to time.

There is nothing much wrong with discussion, banter and ribald comment - in the right place.

We used to be plagued with repeated posts containing second hand copy from various newspapers and media and some members would take opposing views on this forum.

If the discussions at the time had remained civil and in line with forum rules and policy there would have been no problem but as is the way of forums all over the internet things often got heated and out of hand.

This would result in hurt feelings, 'I'm leaving for good' posts and worst of all new members and potential caravan buyers were put off using this forum.

I know this because I would read posts on other forums where Practical Caravan forum was regarded as something of a joke.

There are countless forums out there which thrive on controversy and argument, the newspapers have their own discussion forums as do political parties, minority lobbyists and pretty much everything else.

This forum is about caravan ownership.

As everyone will have noticed the software used by this forum is not state of the art. For a caravan forum it does a reasonable job but moderators can have a hard time dealing with situations where members become really genuinely angry with each other when things get out of hand.

This rarely happens nowadays because we closely monitor topics which have the potential to blow up.

The result is that members often become irritated and annoyed with moderators but not so much with each other, job done!

I'm not suggesting that our members would deliberately insult people with mental health issues or obesity, gender 'confusion' or anything else. There's always a chance though isn't there? Mods just don't have the necessary software to let contentious issues run on this particular forum,not unless we want to sit by the keyboard all day long to sort out the mess that often ensues as I know from bitter experience.

Like everyone else mods have views and opinions, as often as not we might privately agree with a member who's post we've just deleted.

This forum uniquely amongst the many caravan forums on the internet is owned and hosted by the UK's leading caravan magazine and reflects directly on that magazine.

This means that if we on the forum behave irresponsibly not only do we lose potential new forum members who are put off but the owners of the forum might wonder if they really want to host a vehicle which is full of contentious material which might ultimately cause them to lose magazine circulation.

We don't set out to hurt peoples feelings or rub them up the wrong way but there are not many of us available to moderate this forum and we do our best to keep it for what it's for - caravans.


Nov 12, 2009
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I padded the post out a bit because Herself was in the mood for finding household jobs for me and it kept me out of the way :0)
Nov 2, 2005
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I don't profess to know all the details only just that it has happened.

But does not the age of legallity come into this?

All I have heard is that a male child and gone dressed as a girl!!

If this is so, this has problems straight away with toilets and showers..

Girls would not like a boy to use theirs and boys I think at a young age may not feel compfortable having a (girl) use theirs.

As a parent this sends our the wrong signals.

Obviously, there could be a medical reason where people have to choose medically that is.

Does this matter cover that point or is it the fact of just changing?

Trying to write this so implcations are not misunderstood and doesn't offend any age bracket.


May 25, 2009
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A corespondent on another gropup to which I subscribe is called Andrea. In response to one of her mails, I went into "chat up" mode. Ie ....."Hey Andea, let me take you away from all this. But you'll need to lend me the bus fare"

Another contributor advised me that Andrea is a bloke. Ooops, letter of apology.

He replied to say it hadn't bothered him, and that once he had been booked into a girl's dormitory by mistake. Seems good to me.



Children are basically pretty evil beings, without infering any negativity. Just read Lord of the Flies and it gives a classic example of the thin line between normal behaviour, and what they can really get up to when unsupervised. We have had instances here in the UK where child activity seems to be beyond sane reason.

If any parent here thinks their own children are not like that, or potentially capable of it, then they are in a cloud cuckoo land. All children, and do remember we were all one once, will change the moment they get outside the front door. From relatively innocent 'crimes' such as smoking behind the bike sheds to scrumping apples, and if we could have got a peek into the girl' changing rooms, well what a success story we had. We all joined in, or watched as some poor soul was 'flushed down the toilet' or was 'scragged'. If we did not join in we knew we could be next. The gang culture was part of life. We all did it but as we entered adult hood, we matured. It is the ones who don't we need to fear.

So, regardless of what the authorities try to do, this child will have a life of torment from now on. Either in class, playground or even in the street there will be snide comments or even actual physical bullying. Children know every 4 letter word in the book. I would not be surprised if we read of a suicide at some future stage. The alternative is to keep him/her locked away until adulthood, and that in turn creates problems.

I have no idea of the reasoning behind the actions taken and it does seem strange to allow someone so young to do this. But we now live in a world where short term'ism is the watchword and the long term consequences seem to be forgotten.


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