Jan 6, 2008
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Hi there

We are having annualised hour forced onto us at our place of employment. At present working hours are 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday bank holidays off plus overtime.

Under the new working annualised hours you work the hours that the managment set so you could be on season shift work night/days or both Saturdays Sunday Bank holidays are now just the normal week. Overtime will be somthing of the past because of change in working pattern. You could have to start at 4am or 3pm for the start of your day.

Has any body out there had this inposed on them also there no way out from the employer sign the new working pratice or leave.
Jul 26, 2007
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Hi Stephen

I had something like this imposed on me where I work. The company went over to 4X4 shifts. We now work 4 shifts of 12hrs and then have 4 days off. For example my last shift began Thursday and finished Sunday and i am now off until Friday. We do have the choice of working days or nights. If you take 4 days holiday when you are on shift you get 12 days off or take 8 days holiday and you get 20 days off. Yes overtime would become a thing of the past but we do get extra for working Bank Holidays. Personally, it took a month or so to get use to the new hours but i would not go back to 8hr shifts. My wife works a couple of 12hr shifts as well and we get a lot of time together and can go away mid-week in our caravan.

As for you having this imposed on you. The company can give you 90 days notice of change of terms of employment or as you can quite rightly say Stephen one can leave.


Steve & Heather
Mar 26, 2008
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If you like you job but this is being forced upon you I feel very sorry for you.

Easy to say, but I would leave.

I would not expect my staff to work hours I would not work, and I would not get up for a 3 or 4 am start. I would want overtime for un social hours, weekend or bank holiday.
Jan 6, 2007
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I switched to 4 on 4 off last october from any 5 from 7 6am to 6 pm. I would not change back either. As i travel 50 miles round trip to work it saves on fuel & costs.

Just bring on the good weather to make the most of it.


Jan 19, 2008
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On the Ambulance Service we had 12 hour shifts foisted upon us with no say in the matter, 0700 - 1900 & 1900 - 0700.

I must admit after working them for awhile I preferred them to the 8 hour shifts, simply because it gave us more days off together. When actually working them though it didn't do anything for your home life or health, always knackered like a zombie. As salaried workers we didn't get unsocial hours payments although I understand that due to the Agenda for Change they now get it paid although not as good as pre 1989.
Jan 6, 2008
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Hi there

Foregot to say this is a call centre environment for one of the largest insurance companys in uk.

Yes I could leave but have given this company 25 year of service in the pension. Would I get another job at my time of life?

Thay say that there is no age policy but we all know there is.

Since our new Top dog came from Canada Mr Igal Mayer the company has gone down hill fast.Outsoucing to India etc.


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