Antipodean wanting to purchase used motorhome

Jul 20, 2014
Hi folks we are a couple of ageing Kiwis intending to campervan around Uk and parts of Europe for 2 years (with odd trip home). We did this 20 years ago buying a van in London and travelled 40000mls. However we needed a replacement motor after just one month but thanks to a great garage in Thurso they replaced it (we are still in contact with them). My real concern is understanding the pitfalls of purchasing a van in another country. We intend to spend about 12000£ and will probably ship it home when we finish. Are your dealers subject to laws which give purchasers legal comeback for falsity? (we have a fair trading act). Where can you find genuine private sales? What transport laws does a van require MOT etc and how much? Can anyone recommend dealers etc around London where we will be based. All this sounds a lot but you have to start somewhere
Nov 19, 2010
Hi Greg, and welcome (or should that be "welcome back?")
In the UK, neither dealers nor private sellers can legally make false statements, and if they do you can sue. However, your chances of getting actual money back are inevitably better with a dealer! Also, dealers are subject to the "Sale of Goods Act," whcih not only says that goods must be as described, but "of merchantable quality" and "fit for their purpose." Most dealers will be well aware of that, and be straight with you.
Your £12000 will only buy you a fairly old vehicle, but motorhomes are pretty well looked-after so that needn't be a big problem. However, whether it would be worth shipping back to NZ afterwards is questionable! Let's see what some of our resident experts say.
Meanwhile, as an obviously genuine motorhomer, I've "upgraded" you so you don't have to copy the "captcha" squiggles next time.
Jan 23, 2011
Hi Greg You will need to check NZ import regulations, as a first step. I know Oz has strict rules that would make it difficult to import an older motorhome.


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