Assured Storage in administration...

Sep 29, 2016
I'm pretty sure that I left a 3 month old Dethleffs, a 1 month old Tabbert and a brand new top of the range twin axle Knaus on that site.

Come to think of it, I parked the caravans up beside my new £300,0000 motorhome, need to *** down and collect them all before the deadline.

I will bring my library card for ID.


Mar 14, 2005
Anseo said:
I'm pretty sure that I left a 3 month old Dethleffs, a 1 month old Tabbert and a brand new top of the range twin axle Knaus on that site.

Come to think of it, I parked the caravans up beside my new £300,0000 motorhome, need to *** down and collect them all before the deadline.

I will bring my library card for ID.

Really !!!!! was there any need to post such rubbish !!!!
The OP only posted what may be of use to anyone involved in that situation, copied from another Forum.
Perhaps in future you will think before posting !!!!
Nov 16, 2015
Anseo said:
I'm pretty sure that I left a 3 month old Dethleffs, a 1 month old Tabbert and a brand new top of the range twin axle Knaus on that site.

Come to think of it, I parked the caravans up beside my new £300,0000 motorhome, need to *** down and collect them all before the deadline.

I will bring my library card for ID.

Smaked wrist , Anseo, naughty boy. NSOH.
Sep 29, 2016
Damian-Moderator said:
Anseo said:
I'm pretty sure that I left a 3 month old Dethleffs, a 1 month old Tabbert and a brand new top of the range twin axle Knaus on that site.

Come to think of it, I parked the caravans up beside my new £300,0000 motorhome, need to *** down and collect them all before the deadline.

I will bring my library card for ID.

Really !!!!! was there any need to post such rubbish !!!!
The OP only posted what may be of use to anyone involved in that situation, copied from another Forum.
Perhaps in future you will think before posting !!!!


I do understand that the intent of my post was wholly lost on you.

That is forgivable.

For a moderator to respond in such a way does nothing for this forum and indeed would discourage existing and new members from posting here, if my post was offensive to people then I would understand being rebuked.

Is it really necessary for a moderator to be as abrasive as you have been?

I guess that the skill of replying with tact and finesse is not an attribute that you posses in any quantity.



Mar 14, 2005
Quote " For a moderator to respond in such a way does nothing for this forum and indeed would discourage existing and new members from posting here"

What you posted is the exact reason that discourages new members from posting, having a derisory reply to what was an attempt to forewarn owners of problems is not helpful.

Quote "
Is it really necessary for a moderator to be as abrasive as you have been?"

Yes it is . It is precisely that kind of posting and others in similar veins over the years that some users thought they would control what was posted and thought they had the right to be sarcastic in response to posts by others which saw a lot of users leave the forum. It will not happen again.

Quote " I guess that the skill of replying with tact and finesse is not an attribute that you posses in any quantity."

Yes I can be tactful if needed but usuallly find saying it "as it is" , is much easier to understand for some people.

Sarcastic and rude posts will never be allowed to go unchallenged.
Sep 4, 2017
Now fella's my recent hospital stay must have dampened my powers of perception. Through the anesthetic haze I really would have thought Anseo comment was a jibe.... of sorts?

I am sure I have seen a few others on the forum - some entertaining and some - well drab.
Jul 15, 2008
........I am fairly sure that the administrators will not accept a library ticket as I D when you arrive to collect over £400.000 worth of assets :unsure:
Mar 14, 2005
In the frenzy and zeal of thinking you have witty answer for a thread it is all too easy to not spot how it may be misconstrued.

Trying to use "in jokes" or references may be picked up by the intended recipient, but this is a public forum and anybody can see what you have written, but they cant see your face or mood or know you enough to garner other clues as to its intention. If they are not a member of your clique, the humour may be missed or the sarcasm seem pointed at at them which can be construed as offensive.

Simply adding emoji's does not automatically make it light hearted and alright everytime.

In a serious topic area it is better to discuss facts and ignoring personalities rather than attempts at humour.

I use the yard stick of 'if I wouldn't say it in a public place full of strangers, I won't use it on the forum'
Jun 20, 2005
This link tells all.
A real pile of poo.
Hope all owners successfully recover their property.
Just goes to show all that glitters is not Gold (cassoa)
Jun 20, 2005
ProfJohnL said:
I use the yard stick of 'if I wouldn't say it in a public place full of strangers, I won't use it on the forum'
That explains why there are no Politicians on here :whistle:


Nov 12, 2009
Dustydog said:
ProfJohnL said:
I use the yard stick of 'if I wouldn't say it in a public place full of strangers, I won't use it on the forum'
That explains why there are no Politicians on here :whistle:
There seems to be a self appointed third moderator on this forum that nobody told me about though. :dry:
The show is over, so unless further comment is in connection with the potential closure of the storage site it's best not to comment.
Supplementary advice from the sidelines on what to post and what not to post when a moderator has already dealt with an issue isn't needed thanks.
Oct 12, 2013
I'm glad my van aint in there as I would be gutted , our yards huge and close to 1000 vans in it and every august i get a phone call just before my fees are due for the year , I can't believe a storage facilitie off gold award has not got any personal details for the vans stored ?!
Nov 16, 2015
Craigyoung said:
I'm glad my van aint in there as I would be gutted , our yards huge and close to 1000 vans in it and every august i get a phone call just before my fees are due for the year , I can't believe a storage facilitie off gold award has not got any personal details for the vans stored ?!

Craig, I suppose as they go into administration , they are not bothered, but as the Caravans /motorhomes they could not sell them,,
Nov 16, 2015
Damian-Moderator said:
Quote " For a moderator to respond in such a way does nothing for this forum and indeed would discourage existing and new members from posting here"

What you posted is the exact reason that discourages new members from posting, having a derisory reply to what was an attempt to forewarn owners of problems is not helpful.

Quote "
Is it really necessary for a moderator to be as abrasive as you have been?"

Yes it is . It is precisely that kind of posting and others in similar veins over the years that some users thought they would control what was posted and thought they had the right to be sarcastic in response to posts by others which saw a lot of users leave the forum. It will not happen again.

Quote " I guess that the skill of replying with tact and finesse is not an attribute that you posses in any quantity."

Yes I can be tactful if needed but usuallly find saying it "as it is" , is much easier to understand for some people.

Sarcastic and rude posts will never be allowed to go unchallenged.

Damien, I have been On the reply end of your rebukes,at times and have tailed down , but at times you are too abrupt. Please respect the humour of our some our formulates. I have found nothing offensive from Anseo's Posting.
Parksey, I undestand and respect your posting, But I think we "All " need to know the forum is for everyone.
Damien, again at times you are too quick to respond to forum members. Maybe wait until other Forum members complain about a posting, until you go into "Red"
If you wish me to leave the Forum the I will..


Mar 14, 2005
I was going to reply but my life is short enough as it is without wasting any more time on this.
If you wish to leave the forum, that is your choice.
May 24, 2014
please don't leave. Storm in a teacup and all that.

The problem with a forum of this nature it that there are only so many questions that caravans throw up, before you have covered the whole gamut and start to repeat yourself. A little bit of banter and humour not only keeps things ticking over until the next serious question, but it keeps a forum alive, in my humble opinion.
Without a little bit of levity the forum would be one hell of a boring place.

And if Im not allowed to crack a joke every now and then, I am going to go sit in a corner and sulk.
Nov 11, 2009
For what it is worth I could not see anything wrong with ANSEO's post. Yes the company going into Administration isn't good news for the owners of units stored there. But I cannot possibly conceive that any one reading ANSEO's post would take offence in the slightest, as they would read it for what it was intended. I agree that without some occasional humour life would be pretty miserable, and after all a Forum is not for just an exchange of technical issues, but a social exchange forum too.

I have been in some situations where although things have been a bit "dark" a quick quip has done wonders to lighten the mood and move things along. Compared to most other Forums (except the Clubs ugh) this Forum conducts itself very well, and as we have seen recently if anyone does set out to cause offence they aren't invited to resign, they are banned outwith. Lets keep it like that.
Nov 11, 2009
ProfJohnL said:
In the frenzy and zeal of thinking you have witty answer for a thread it is all too easy to not spot how it may be misconstrued.

Trying to use "in jokes" or references may be picked up by the intended recipient, but this is a public forum and anybody can see what you have written, but they cant see your face or mood or know you enough to garner other clues as to its intention. If they are not a member of your clique, the humour may be missed or the sarcasm seem pointed at at them which can be construed as offensive.

Simply adding emoji's does not automatically make it light hearted and alright everytime.

In a serious topic area it is better to discuss facts and ignoring personalities rather than attempts at humour.

I use the yard stick of 'if I wouldn't say it in a public place full of strangers, I won't use it on the forum'

In this case it is easy to visualise the news breaking and a group of colleagues at work, or folks doing their washing up on a site. If someone offered Anseo's quip I would be extremely surprised if any one were to be offended. And I do not necessarily support the view that just because it was the written word and not made on a caravan site where you could see the whites of his eyes makes it any different in this case.
May 24, 2014
And I do not necessarily support the view that just because it was the written word and not made on a caravan site where you could see the whites of his eyes makes it any different in this case.

Isnt this exactly what emojis are for. They allow you to make a statement and indicate what context that statement should be taken in if necessary.

Dont tell me how to caravan, been there and got the tee shirt :)
Dont tell me how to caravan, been there and got the tee shirt :angry:
Sep 4, 2017
Hutch to be sure you are not the one to consider leaving.

For my money don't. We can help bring a measure of balance to the forum and activity as a whole from within.

I find the comment below to be out of line, to tell a respected forum member "I'm not going to waste my time on this, leave if you like" honestly requires an apology then IMO this whole matter should be put to bed.

We all have bad hair days, lets put it down to that and move on.

I agree with someone else that said, petty unnecessary exchanges like this will deter new members from joining.

Caravanning is a happy joyous recreational activity and ALWAYS brings a measure of humor. All you need do is attend one of the Woosie Fests to see for yourself!

I was going to reply but my life is short enough as it is without wasting any more time on this.
If you wish to leave the forum, that is your choice.
Jun 20, 2005
You are not leaving nor is Sir Haggis :kiss:
If we lose members over trivial matters there will be no Forum.
The current PCV owners aren't interested. Wind them up and they may well pull the plug. Sometimes saying " how it is " may seem abrasive but ironically it is true. Chastisement gets no one any where.
Kiss and cuddles :kiss: :kiss:
Mar 14, 2005
Thingy said:
And I do not necessarily support the view that just because it was the written word and not made on a caravan site where you could see the whites of his eyes makes it any different in this case.

Isnt this exactly what emojis are for. They allow you to make a statement and indicate what context that statement should be taken in if necessary.

Dont tell me how to caravan, been there and got the tee shirt :)
Dont tell me how to caravan, been there and got the tee shirt :angry:

Unfortunately not everyone interprets emojis in the same way.
Jun 20, 2005
ProfJohnL said:
Thingy said:
And I do not necessarily support the view that just because it was the written word and not made on a caravan site where you could see the whites of his eyes makes it any different in this case.

Isnt this exactly what emojis are for. They allow you to make a statement and indicate what context that statement should be taken in if necessary.

Dont tell me how to caravan, been there and got the tee shirt :)
Dont tell me how to caravan, been there and got the tee shirt :angry:

Unfortunately not everyone interprets emojis in the same way.
Maybe this link will help
:) friendly smile.


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