OK, the new forum has been up and running for, what, 3 weeks now? I appreciate work is probably (hopefully!) ongoing, but it's been several days, or a week or so now with no word from the techies. We (no, it's not the Royal we, but a collective we!! lol) have variously requested a 'read new posts' button or newest posts at the top of the page (the main page, not each individual forum), smileys, a private message facility, and speeding up of page loading - to date we've not heard back about these (apart from one of you saying that the speed issue was being addressed). Can we therefore please have an update on our requests? Oh, and it appears that mods cannot now even pass on member's email addresses anymore (so what exactly CAN mods do?), so how is anyone supposed to get in touch with another member privately, if they so desire? Come on guys (and gal!) please, I think we've all been extremely patient thus far, but there is a danger of members getting fed up and not bothering with the site anymore. Thank you.