Avondale Highlight

Sep 2, 2016

I have an Avondale Highlight 1997 2 berth caravan. My belief is it is actually an Avondale Perle Orestes badged by Highbridge caravans in Somerset

Ok my problem, I need an OSF window 450mm wide 765mm high and the short side is 610mm to the beginning of the curve. I have toured the internet and breakers and considered a new one made by some 'exhaust' company and they are impossible to find, well when I say impossible one dismantler has one on their website that looks identical, sizes seem to match, roxite 80 and the stamp looks the same but...... its from a 2000 year caravan.

Is the a Avondale expert out there who can say whether the likelihood is of this window being the correct one. I am sure the window was used in many other models, the Perle, Leda but this window is £125 plus postage and a lot if it is wrong.

Please stop a caravan from loosing what hair I have left............
Feb 3, 2008
A 'dealer special' will have upgrades inside to take it part way to the next model up. Significant changes to the construction, eg different windows will be highly unlikely. My van is a 'dealer special' from Highbridge Caravans and is based on a Lunar Quasar but with different internal furnishings and heavy duty legs. I believe the windows, etc are all standard Quasar. Most upgrades are done at the factory in any case.
May 7, 2012
I would think the windows will still be the same size but possibly the colour will not match as they are likely to change over time but I doubt anyone will know. You could try this site for information though http://www.avondalecaravans.com/.
The remaining spares for Avondale were bought out by Magnum Motorhomes of Hull but not sure if you have tried them. http://www.magnummotorhomes.co.uk/en/
Mar 14, 2005
Marconi661 said:
OSF window 450mm wide 765mm high and the short side is 610mm to the beginning of the curve.
I would suggest you look at other Avondale models. Also the Caravan Club publish a list of breakers. Try an email to some of them. http://www.caravanclub.co.uk/media/16301536/breakers-spares-mo.pdf
My 2001 Avondale Rialto has side front windows the same size as what you are looking for. But mine are tinted.


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