Awning skirt rail on Abbey Vogue 215

Apr 6, 2008
The Abbey is 12 Years old. Was father in laws and he never used an awning. We will be using an awning but are confused about skirt rail as the plastic wheel arch cover blocks each end of the skirt rail. We are thinking we will need to cut awning skirt into 2 sections and try to figure out how to fasten to wheel cover to eliminate draught. With our old caravan the skirt slid nicely right across the wheel arch gap no probs. Is this a design fault or are we missing something? Any suggestions welcome.
Feb 3, 2008
There should be a small gap between the end of the rail and the start of the wheel arch flair such that the draught skirt can come out of the rail and over the wheel arch. A section of figure 8 plastic joins the draught skirt the the wheel arch cover, as in this video.
Sep 30, 2010
There is also a neat way to make sure the skirt remains tensioned and not "saggy" : At the top of each end,(about an inch in) fit a plastic eyelet (available from accessory stores). From these link a bungee to an awning peg set a foot or so from the end of skirt or wherever gives a good tension. Makes for a neat job.
Feb 3, 2008
DerekBrad said:
There is also a neat way to make sure the skirt remains tensioned and not "saggy" : At the top of each end,(about an inch in) fit a plastic eyelet (available from accessory stores). From these link a bungee to an awning peg set a foot or so from the end of skirt or wherever gives a good tension. Makes for a neat job.

Doesn't the beading in that feeds into the skirt rail already do this? Mine does.
Apr 7, 2008
With a bit of ingenuity you can make your own ;)

With a old 4x4 spare wheel cover ( you only need the dish part ) as its thin light weight plastic its flexible enough to be bent to slide up into the wheel arch.

I used a length of figure of 8 with a piece draught skirt corded tape fastened to the cover so that it at the required height ;) old tin of silver paint to finish it off ...
Apr 6, 2008
Thanks for all responses. The wheel cover idea looks good. Looks like we'll either have to cut gap into rail next to wheel arch or use the larger feed in spaces on rail about 6 inches along from wheel arch. As mentioned in original post there is no gap for feeding in to rail next to wheel arch plastic surround, rail is hard up against this, no gap... Honest. Thanks again all.


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