Awning skirt rail??

Jan 18, 2009
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we have a Abi Monza van. it has a lovely dorema awning with a seperate skirt. we tried attaching this on the weekend with no luck.

There is a black rubber strip that runs along the bottom of the van, we took it off and there was some sort of groove but my hubby seems to think this is just to prtoect the van in case it gets knocked.

Any advice would be much welcome! we go on holiday next weekend so would love to get the skirt attached as it gets a bit draughty when sat in the awning at night.

many thanks

Mar 14, 2005
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If there was a groove, this is most likely meant for the skirt. The groove should be circular with a slot facing sideways or downwards. the skirt should have one edge with a cord sewn in all along - usually about the ddiameter of a plastic covered washing line. Thread the end of this into the open end of the groove and pull it gently along. Sometimes the groove can be a bit big and the skirt tend to drop out well you are pulling, so lay the skirt out and ideally get someone to feed in to the end of the groove wheile you pull along.

If the groove is a bit tight, try some lubrication - silicone gel as used on plumbing fittings or a spray with a waxy floor polish

If this fails, short term you could use some outdoor grad duct tape, and just tape the top of the skirt along the caravan, but this may not look too wonderful.
Mar 14, 2005
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If the groove was under a plastic strip and had screws its not for the awning skirt

The awning skirt channel if fitted will look similar to the side rail and could point slightly downwards


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