Bad match?

Sep 5, 2006
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Travelling up the M6 yesterday we passed a Peugeot 406 towing a twin axle horse trailer - the type that can carry 2 horses. Only one was on board though. I commented to the missus that it looked like an unsuitable match.

Unfortunately on the way home we passed the same outfit again only this time the trailer was on its side on the hard shoulder, the car was pointing in the wrong direction & the horse was stood further down the motorway looking a little confused!!

Thankfully it looked like nobody was hurt.
Mar 14, 2005
Not only an unsuitable match but probably downright illegal. The maximum permissible towload of a Peugeot 406 is no more than 1500kg and most twin axle horse trailers are rated at 2000kg, so the outfit would be way over the limit if fully laden. Even with only one horse on board it could well exceed the allowable weight.


Mar 17, 2007
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Irrelevant I know, but if the trailer was on its side, how did they get the horse out? I don't know much about horses but presumably it didn't have enough room to stand up and I didn't think that horses could crawl?

Nov 1, 2005
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the guy who bought my hobby 635 towed it away with a skoda octavia. he had one extension mirror for the drivers' side and he was sorted.
Oct 16, 2006
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Irrelevant I know, but if the trailer was on its side, how did they get the horse out? I don't know much about horses but presumably it didn't have enough room to stand up and I didn't think that horses could crawl?

If you know anything about horses it is easier than you might think.

1 enter via the grooms door and cover the horses head

2 open the ramp at the back and pull it out by its back legs

3 ensure you have a rope on the head coller to ensure control when it gets up

However do not try this unless you know how to handle them but do try and cover there head it will keep it steady until help arrives
Jul 6, 2009
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If it was the accident near Tebay last Sunday, I can confirm no one was hurt and the horse was transferred to its own field by alternative transport, according to our local rag, having had a pleasant time waiting in someone else's field.
you think that is a bad match try this one.on the way home from holidays on a small road came across a cattle trailer with 3 cows in it,on its side attached to a golf,guards on scene and fire crews,driver was walking around fine even though the golf was front end in a ditch.heard on car radio next day appeal for wittiness as the guards were unaware of what had caused the accident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the guards are the Irish police.the cows were fine in the field next day.


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