Bailey Discovery Hitch and tow ball

Sep 14, 2006
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I am just completing the purchase of a 2001 Bailey Discovery 474. It has an Alko hitchhead stabiliser. I am new to these, my previous caravan having a yolk and harnesses.

Does anyone know what type of Alko stabiliser the discovery will have. Its a big red and silver thing. Also I have heard I need a special tow ball. I have a standard non removable tow ball but there is a bulldog stabiliser bracket sat behind it so it does stick out a little more.

Is this sufficient to get me home with the caravan about 35 miles? Will I need to remove the bulldog bracket first?

We are actually replacing the car with a Zafira II cdti 120 and will need to get a towbar fitted so will get exactly what we need on the new car so please advise away. Want to avoid the Vauxhall dealer fit option if we can as its about £377. What would people recommend?

Many thanks

Mar 14, 2005
The AlKo coupling requires at least 60mm clearance between the towball and bumper. If your standard towball is already relocated rearward slightly due to the fitment of the bracket for the Bulldog stabiliser and therefore meets the above requirement, you should be all right so long as the bracket itself does not extend into this space.


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