battery charger

Jul 29, 2015
sorry if this has been asked before
i have a logic 1 charger in my wee van, never intended to get it fixed but noticed the 2amp fuse holder bit is missing so i thot i would give it a try first, bought 2 from maplins as they a a few to choose from, ...tried both bits in none of which fited properly...fuse blew with both, now i know it is kind of working i want to get the right part.
so is it a push in twist or screwin? just the bit that the fuse is in i need the rest is there i think
or am i better with a charger to use seprately? can i use the mains supply to van with it ?
i have no clue as to what im doing
sorry if that dosent make sense


Mar 14, 2005
If it is blowing fuses, it is NOT "kind of working".

As you say you have no idea what you are doing with electrics I strongly suggest that you get a mobile engineer to check it out.

It may "only be 12v" but that can and does cause enormous damage if treated wrongly.
Jul 29, 2015
thanks i have no intention of touching it but havin the right holder would help, can i use a charger pluged into the mains?
Jul 28, 2015
B) yes you can use a charger which plugs into the mains but it is highly recommended you spend a bit and get your self an intelligent charger from the likes of halfrauds they do one made by Ring which would do the job ,also cetek make intelligent chargers too .
With respect to your caravans own charger it is blowing fuses which tells me it has a serious problem ,this is usually caused by bad mains taking out a varistor which in turn will take out a fuse every time to ensure nothing gets hot enough to catch your caravan alight :S the way to cure this is quite a job and will require a lot of experience with electrics and electronic engineering simple as the job seems :blink: just replacing one small component its very deep in the workings so you got to know what you are up to in order to take this job on , :)
Jul 29, 2015
i had no intention of using the charger , as it didnt work, was taking a photo of it to send to a friend when i noticed the glass fuse holder wasnt there, so just thot i would replace it to see if that would get it going, none of them fitted, i dont want to spend any more on fixing it as van is very old and spent a lot on it already, just thot i it was the right holder it would probably help, anyway, it is on a seasonal pitch , which i dont relay need the battery at the moment well so for, but just thot about using another charger to top it up would be handy in an emergency, i think ill just stick to bringing it home thanks


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