Battery Charger.

May 27, 2021
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The joys of a new(old) caravan. Battery charger has now given up the ghost. Switch lights up. Checked in line fuse adjacent battery compartment. Before I start dismantling the space in which it resides. Could there be a built in fuse or reset button on the charger itself? Or should I just get a new charger. Swift Milano 2001 model. P.S. Read manual cover to cover.
May 27, 2021
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First question: is it a charger or just a power supply?

Someone will come along soon and tell you to contact Apuljack Engineering who will answer your every question!

Charger. switch lights up so I presume power to it. Power to terminals on battery none existent. Reason I ask about charger itself Its hidden behind mains mcb's. Have to remove them to check.
Mar 14, 2005
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The joys of a new(old) caravan. Battery charger has now given up the ghost. Switch lights up. Checked in line fuse adjacent battery compartment. Before I start dismantling the space in which it resides. Could there be a built in fuse or reset button on the charger itself? Or should I just get a new charger. Swift Milano 2001 model. P.S. Read manual cover to cover.
If you remotely charge the batter do all the 12V systems work? if not then suspect an inline fuse between the caravan and heh battery.

Turn all 12V appliances and lights off. Disconnect the battery, and turn on the "charger" try turning on a light - if it works then the charger is OK, and you should suspect the battery may have failed.


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