battery conditioner

Mar 14, 2005
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I know they exsist but trying to find one is a binde.I am looking for a battery charger/conditioner. Basically what the thing does is keep the leisure battery in peak condition after it has been fully charged. It gives a charge of between 0.75amp to 1.25amp while off the caravan.Any body got any suggestion of where I can find one.Standard chargers give out 4 amp and below and are not suitable for this process. I have tried Halfords and some other motor factors and Maplins.

Nov 6, 2005
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The CTEK 3600 will do the job you want. It's a four step charger (desulphation, bulk, absorbtion and pulse) which can (should) be left connected permanently.

Check out It has an English version.

They're about
Nov 6, 2005
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Most caravans built since the mid '90s have a built-in power supply which provides 13.8v and can be left permanently connected.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Roger,

The main problem is the van is in storage and there is no mains supply so I can use the van charger system. I spoke to a motor factor who I use on a regular basis and it seems that Draper tools do a trickle charger for leisure battries that will meet my needs called the Battery Master and delivers a trickle charge of 500ma and can be left cottected at home and the only thing you have to do is check the electolite level once a month and top up with distilled water if require. Price
Dec 16, 2003
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I use a cheap Maplins style Solar panel that sits on the van roof and keeps my spare leisure battery fit and well! Pal put e on to them years ago, he does the same on his yacht, outside all day long the little panel keeps two 12 volt battery fit and well and the engine fires up with no problem
Nov 6, 2005
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Rob - what powers the Trickle Charger you've got in mind? The ones I've seen by Draper have to be plugged into a mains supply!

You can get solar trickle chargers that don't require mains.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Roger,

Yes it's a 230v mains type I have purchased. What I will be doing is taking the leisure battery from the van and once I have fully charged it I intend to put it on trickle charge. A colleauge of mine in the motor industry wrote a document on keeping leisure batteries in tip top condition (exciting I know) but by using the trickle charging method he has proved that the average life of a leisure battery increases to about 10 years.So while the battery is on the van it will be fed from the onboard 230 v charger, in transit from the split charger on the towing vehicle and from the trickle charger while at home And I suppose from a solar panel may help when on a non mains site.

Thanks rob


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