Mar 14, 2005
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Dear all on radio 2 on monday on the jeremy vine show they are polling "what vehicle do you wish to not see on the roads!!

as it stands at the moment caravans are leading horseboxes just slightly.

therefore my question is what vehicle you you wish to see removed from the road,eg bikes,lorries

i always thought a caravan was a horsebox as when i poke my head out of the top half of the door my wife shouts bad donkey
Jan 21, 2007
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How do we vote?

and what shall we all pick on? Not horse boxes though.

Ambulance would be obvious (meaning no accidents) but not practical. So what do we all feel?

We have to fight this out-of-date prejudice against caravans. I overtake more slower vehicles than overtake me and am held back by big lorries time and time again.
Feb 24, 2007
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How do we vote?

and what shall we all pick on? Not horse boxes though.

Ambulance would be obvious (meaning no accidents) but not practical. So what do we all feel?

We have to fight this out-of-date prejudice against caravans. I overtake more slower vehicles than overtake me and am held back by big lorries time and time again.
Bl**dy lorries ... biggest pain going , everywhere you go they are there , stuck behind them all the time .. detest them Grrrr!!

Nov 1, 2005
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What could we ban? Vauxhall Corsas with roof spoilers, Nissan Micras with furry hat drivers, BMW 3 series driven by middle aged bald men with moustaches. The list is almost endless.
Jul 3, 2006
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I make a point of ensuring my outfit can be driven at a speed to keep with the rest of traffic and it is usually the Nissan Micra in front of us that causes the tailback, on narrow twisty roads where my speed is restriced I always pull over when possible to let traffic past.

I do appear to be in a minority though, I do come across many caravan outfits that are being towed like they had a spinal injury patient aboard and never pull over. (they probably have a Micra as a second car)
Jul 3, 2006
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I would ban those who move miles away from their workplace (when they don't need to)or send their kids to a school at the other side of town (When the nearest is round the corner) Then whinge about pollution and congestion.

I would also ban 4x4s that are not needed as they give those that need a 4x4 a bad name.
Mar 14, 2005
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I see that following their usual stance of "impartiality"(NOT) the BBC 2 website shows a Jaguar xj something towing a caravan.

Now call me picky but is that showing impartiality?
Nov 7, 2005
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For me, it's a pointless exercise, why play their game? Everyone has their prejudices, you'll never change them - the likes of Ken Liv hate cars full stop, others hate cyclists, or buses or infinitum. Best response is no response, and then Radio 2 will have to find a new windup!

My time much better spent on the van. Great day today. Bringing it out of winter "hibernation"...testing everything, refilling the tanks, greasing, only a wash and wipe to go now (hopefully tomorrow)! This time of the year brings wonderful sense of anticipation for the new season, don't you think?

Well, for those who don't hate caravanners anyway!! And if you do then it's your choice - I won't be trying to change your point of view with some pointless radio jape...!!
Jan 21, 2007
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Sorry Colinn, the 'nowt t do wi me' attitude won't work. It was only two years ago that the Dept of Transport brought in a temporary law to restrict caravans to the inside lane of the M5 at a long gradient to see if it freed up other traffic and reduced the jams. The results a year later proved that it wasn't anything to do with caravans, but for some reason they still tried very hard to make the law permanent. It was only the 'clubs', who had got themselves an observer's role in the trial, who fought the injustice and got the pointless ruling scrapped. That's how bad it is when you allow nonsense to stand.

Do you remember how we all used to view British Rail as a national joke? We now know that they were doing a very good job; but it's too late.

On the plus side; We have just booked a few days at Hawes at Easter.
Nov 7, 2005
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Sorry Colinn, the 'nowt t do wi me' attitude won't work. It was only two years ago that the Dept of Transport brought in a temporary law to restrict caravans to the inside lane of the M5 at a long gradient to see if it freed up other traffic and reduced the jams. The results a year later proved that it wasn't anything to do with caravans, but for some reason they still tried very hard to make the law permanent. It was only the 'clubs', who had got themselves an observer's role in the trial, who fought the injustice and got the pointless ruling scrapped. That's how bad it is when you allow nonsense to stand.

Do you remember how we all used to view British Rail as a national joke? We now know that they were doing a very good job; but it's too late.

On the plus side; We have just booked a few days at Hawes at Easter.
My point is, who cares about a Radio 2 poll? Since when is national road policy decided by a radio DJ? Some bright spark producer wanted a new wheeze to do a bit of stirring. Shades of Jeremy...let 'em get on with it...!
Jan 3, 2007
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The School run, in whatever vehicle. The roads are a nightmare, mornings and afternoons, in school term time. As soon as the holidays start the congestion clears!

We see parents taking their children just a couple of miles to school. Why?. Let them walk, might help improve the health of the nation at the same time.
Jan 19, 2008
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True Beemer, the traffic where I live is reduced by at least 2/3rds when the schools have broke up. If you look at the traffic you will see around 2 out of 3 cars taking children ⇦(please note Colin, I didn't say kids) to school and most of them with one child.

Although off topic another cause of traffic queueing is traffic lights. When they break down the traffic flows smoothly and carefully with no queues at all. The biggest traffic island here has lights and has traffic queueing most of the time but when they fail it is bliss. What I find frustrating is the plonkers in authority in the Highways Agency must know this because every other driver does yet they still continue to install lights at every new junction. In one road in Hereford we have 4 sets of lights within 200 yards, and thats not counting pelican crossings, and they are now talking of putting another set up. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. first of all may I admire the correct use of the English language in your reference to children. Now to the point in question. Bridgend has more red lights on the streets that what can be found in the whole of Soho. Bridgend is the red light district of south Wales. As stated by the good Lord B. between the school rat run and traffic lights driving nowadays is more of a bind than a pleasure. The roads around the village school in Penyfai are clogged morning and afternoon with parents with, often one child, who can walk quicker to the school than take the indirect road route. Same with the village pub - locals use the car, park in the side streets rather than the pub carpark as police then think they are walking home. Two local villagers live within 2 - 300 yards of the pub but still drive their BMWs to the street and after having a drink drive home.

We moved to a quiet village 25 years ago, I ahve no objections to the expansion of the village. What annoys me is these yupies abusing the village life. One well known person who has appeared on radio and TV parked near the school and caused an obstruction. The lollipop man (retired traffic warden) asked him to move his car as he had parked in a dangerous spot. His reply was "Do you know who I am? I can park where I so wish". The reply from the lollipop man was "Yes I know who you are and I don't give a f**k but if you do not move I will phone the police and report your number with a photo from my mobile phone". The 4x4 was soon moved and he has now put his child in another school.
Mar 14, 2005
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harry, you'd do well to remember the slogan that was about in the eighties--"If you've got it, a lorry brought it". Also bear in mind that 70% of those lorries are carrying foodstuffs, because you and I, the customers, want 10 different kinds of everything, and vegetables out of season, and to be able to buy them whenever we want to. Ban lorries mate, and the world will die.


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