Behind the scenes at Coachman!

May 7, 2012
Interesting but did he find a quality control department. As far as I can see no UK firm has an effective one.
Jan 31, 2018
The attached link seems to say so-says after rolling off the production line the caravan is 'fired up inspected and all systems run for several hours'. i would think that counts as quality control?
Nov 11, 2009
JezzerB said:
The attached link seems to say so-says after rolling off the production line the caravan is 'fired up inspected and all systems run for several hours'. i would think that counts as quality control?

Thanks for the link. I guess most other makers adopt a similar approach to build and the use of adhesive bonding as extended over several years. Interesting that the systems are run for “several hours” but it would be nice to know how this is done given that not all
are steady state and run in different energy sources. Having water pressurised and Alde heating operating would be useful to see if they are leak tight
As the video talks about the new 2014 models it was probably filmed in the second half of 2013. Be intersting to be a fly on the wall to see how the build techniques have stood up, and to know how they differ, if at all, to the latest techniques.
They are nice looking caravans and I hope under new management Coachman continue to make caravans.
Mar 14, 2005
JezzerB said:
The attached link seems to say so-says after rolling off the production line the caravan is 'fired up inspected and all systems run for several hours'. i would think that counts as quality control?

Please bear in mind this video was released late Feb 2014. some 5.5 years ago.

Coachman is a small producer compared to the big boys, and perhaps becasue of their premium prices they can spend more time on jobs. There are some positives from this video, the mention of the wood free wall panels which will resist rot, if they do leak. And I have to say the cleanliness of teh work space was streets ahead of some of teh old caravan production lines I saw back in the 1980's & 1990's.

The video does not offer conclusive proof that a Quality Control system was in place, though it suggests it was.

From my experience, the workplace does not have enough visible signs to suggest the company had a BS approved Quality Management system was being rigorously applied. In the whole video there I only saw one notice at 1:54 seconds in the chassis shop that stated "Think Quality, It's everyone's responsibility" This is a great message, But the important job of applying sealant/glue to critical joint area is still apparently done by hand and is therefore very much an unknown quality issue as the joint cant be post assembly inspected for correct quantity and spread.

I am perturbed by the abundant piles of bits and pieces around the shop and no evidence of waste and non conforming materials areas, but we may not have been shown those.

I wonder what its like Now and how do other manufacturers production facilities compare.
Jan 31, 2018
Yes that worried me somewhat; looks chaotic; hope it has improved since then. Workshop reminded me a bit of the TVR factory at Blackpool-stunning cars but how they assembled one in the cottage industry type factory amazed me! (they weren't renown for reliability but were improving!).


Mar 17, 2007
ProfJohnL said:
JezzerB said:
The attached link seems to say so-says after rolling off the production line the caravan is 'fired up inspected and all systems run for several hours'. i would think that counts as quality control?

Please bear in mind this video was released late Feb 2014. some 5.5 years ago.

I wonder what its like Now and how do other manufacturers production facilities compare.

Hi Prof. Elddis do an annual factory tour that you can sign up for. The next one is in Sept 2020. It is Up Norff. I would like to go but it tends to clash with the Woosiefest or our other holiday plans.
Feb 17, 2018
Hi Jezzer
Having visited the factory 2 years ago, as a potential supplier, i hope things have changed for the better in that time.
Huge premises, but some of the bays looked like they could do with some TLC, interesting to find out what you think after your visit.
Seems the bigger the manufacturer is, the more of a conveyor belt system is implemented, it only takes 1 guy having a bad day, to have repurcussions on that line, but that is true of all manufacturers.


Mar 17, 2007
JezzerB said:
Having just bought a Bucaneer we'd love to do it!

Google Elddis factory tour and you will find it. Be aware it is a factory tour with a sales opportunity for Elddis thrown in :cheer:
Mar 29, 2021
Super old thread but the date is relevant.

Our Coachman Padtiche 575 2016 has the Alde pump in the header tank, a massive massive mistake, the noise at night prevented me from sleeping, as I know full well it did others.
I cured this by adding a soft start box, and a towel.
In what part of this planet are Coachman caravans given a real world test?
My other bug bare was the alloy wheels, some absolute dafty designed a wheel with spokes that only allowed the alko lock to fit in a few positions, then to compound the problem even further guess where the tyre valve went?

So for me and my Coachman experience, let someone who actually uses a caravan test the buggers.
Jul 10, 2021
Darren, exact same bugbear on the wheel lock / alloy wheel problem on my 2020 VIP 520. Most annoying when you get into perfect position on the pitch then realise the nearest wheel lock position is miles away!
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May 21, 2021
We collected our new Coachman last week and when we got home we found the tracker and solar panel were not working. Called an engineer out and he found that on both, once the wires had been inserted, tape had been wound round so tight that it had pulled the connections out. The engineer redid the connections and all is now fine. Perhaps the dealer should check all electrical connections etc on the PDI before clearing the van for collection.
Mar 14, 2005
... Perhaps the dealer should check all electrical connections etc on the PDI before clearing the van for collection.
I think expecting a dealer to check all the wiring connections is expecting too much they would have to dismantle a lot of the caravan to get at then all.

Its more reasonable for the dealer to check all the appliances work.

But it would even better if the manufacturer did it before it left the factory
May 7, 2012
Even checking the appliances might not be enough. We did have a faulty fridge on one caravan but you could only detect this by checking the temperature after it was left running for some time. Not sure the check include4s this and most dealers would not wish to spend that much time for what they are paid.
Mar 14, 2005
... most dealers would not wish to spend that much time for what they are paid.
But that is what they customers pay them for - to supply goods that are NOT faulty. The UK CRA makes it very clear that if a seller sells goods that are faulty they are in breach of the CRA - even if the manufacturer caused the fault.

However morally the caravan manufacture should be doing all theses checks so the goods are fully functional before leaving the factory. The dealer may be required to dress the caravan, but they should not be having to make repairs for faulty goods or workmanship by the manufacturer.


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