Bittany Ferries craming the vans on Portmouth to St. Malo

Mar 15, 2006
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Beware Brittany Ferries craming the vans on when these is no need. We did not have time to get out of our car before we had van pull next to us on left, he however did wait for me to get our things.

However we mananged to goin front of hie van but had to climb oversome else's van with 3 bikes on the back of the New Ranger Rover and their Senetor. No choice but to do this everyone just disappeared.

To get back in our jeep in the morning we had to wait until the cars pulled off in front for us to get in our van.

No wonder vans get damaged!

Mar 14, 2005
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I have had a similar problem even in the depths of winter, The deck crews on this route do not seem as careful as on some others. Suggest you complain in writing to Brittany - may not do any good for your last trip but should you suffer on a futer one they will have been told and thus be in a less defensive postion. (I complained about another service and received a voucher which would have paid for a rasonable meal next time across).
Mar 21, 2007
Another point about the Britany Ferries routes that we have used (Caen and St Malo), is that they invariably leave loading until about 15 mins before sailing. If you want a meal, dont hang about in your cabin as you might not get a seat.



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