Blaarmeersen, Ghent, Belgium.

Aug 4, 2009
we went to blaarmeersen about 5 years ago, it was fantastic, just wondered if its as good and any info from anyone thats been recently, what we liked most was the on site restaurant, is that still there and is it as good, also can anyone recommend places nearby to visit, we went to ypres, passandale and sur cot, it doesn't have to be WW1, was thinking of agincourt (probably spelt wrong) or if theres a site similar to blaarmeersen, but in or around bruges. or anywhere else in belgium thats not far a drive from dunkirk. all info greatfully recieved thank you, regards mark
Mar 14, 2005
We stayed for one night while on our way back to Germany in July and found it a bit disappointing, mainly due to the noise of traffic passing by on the adjacent main road.
Jul 11, 2006
Sorry Lutz but you're on your own on this one. Blaarmeersen is probably one of the better sites in Europe. Granted there is some traffic noise from the ring if you are at the top end of the site (turn right at the restaurant) but the other end is quiet enough. There is also occassional train noise, but we put up with both for a good site in a most attractive city. Public transport is 100m outside the site.
As for the OP forget Bruges - Little England in Belgium. It is a pleasant enough place for a visit, but Ghent has so much more to offer - not least the flower, pet, and antiques markets on Sunday morning. It is also only about 60Km (or less) from Lille which does not have a municipal site but does have VERY good shopping. .
If you want an alternative go to the municipal in Ypres - but do book in advance as it is very busy. Can be muddy after heavy rain (drainage is not the best) but it is a good base for WW1 battlefield visits and is only a 10min walk to the Menin Gate. Facilities, like Blaarmeersen, are spotless but also like Blaarmeersen it is a little on the expensive side in high season. Ypres is a very pleasant town with some good shopping.
Dec 10, 2007
Hi Mark
We have just returned from a short break in Belgium where we stayed at the Klein Strand site at Jabbeke near Bruges. A useful base to tour the area we went to Ghent Bruges Ypres and Ostend. All worthwhile places to visit. We also managed to squeeze a trip to Pidu wines and beers cash and carry at Dunkirk where we found some good bargains.

Jan 28, 2009
stayed one night in June found it very good liked restaurant and shop .we were at the quiet end
only drawback long lead needed for hook up

Mar 30, 2009
We stayed for 1 week in September at Blaarmeersen -
Road traffic noise was horrendous
Restaurant was less than mediocre
Pitches were not looked after properly (150mm of grass)
Lots of mud to walk on
Poor television reception (terrestial) - it's Belgian anyway.
Watch out for high trees (no satellite TV reception)
On the plus side -
Excellent toilets and showers
Public transport to Ghent
Needless to say won't be going back!


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