Bowness on WIndermere v Houghton Mill

Mar 14, 2005
Well in the last three weeks we've spent time at both of these "small" sites.Both have only approx60 pitches and both are CC managed sites. Windermere is owned by the local council and Houghton by the National Trust. Both are very busy and both have very clean ablution blocks. But how differnet they really are !

I have to say that now we are back from Houghton Mill i feel much more relaxed and "chilled" and i think this is due to some of the fundamental differences between the sites, mainly space and greenery.

Do you agree ?
Feb 24, 2008
Can only comment on Houghton Mill. We love it there and have been a few times. Last time however, unruly children spoiled our stay - it was awful. I think if you get unsociable families it can make life intolerable on the most picturesque of sites. Its probably the campers that contribute to a lovely stay by being respectful of each other rather than the site itself. I have returned relaxed and chilled as you put it from a CL out in the country with minimal facilities. Never been to Windermere so can't comment on any comparison.

You can have as much space and greenery as you like but if you're pitched next to the family from hell its no joke.

Apr 9, 2006
Houghton Mill site is excellent. It situated by the famous watermill, next to the river Ouse, on the edge of the small village of Houghton, which has two good pubs within easy walking distance from the site. There is also a National Trust tearoom near the mill.

Just a few miles up the road is Huntingdon, with Peterborough further to the north. Best of all is the nearby market town of St Ives, a short drive away. It is a situated beside the river Ouse and has everything you could need in the way of shopping and restaurants, including a Waitrose, with a large car park next to it. Park in the long term car park here (presently


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