
Aug 25, 2006
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Well at least I don`t smoke.

Just as well, as I appear to be screwed on just about everything else.

Whats happened to `saving for a rainy day?`. This lot appear to have even lost the umbrella.

Couldn`t run a bath.
Jan 2, 2006
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A bit of a non event in many respects,more money for parents,easier for teachers and nurses to buy houses (why them).Jump on the plastic bag bandwagon,rip off drinkers and smokers and of course spend to develop road pricing technology etc etc and fuel increase put off until October ( big deal) doesnt help us now with the cost.Of course a lot of the 'benefits are not until next year,but that will probably be election year so it will all change if they fear not getting back in.
Feb 25, 2008
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A bit of a non event in many respects,more money for parents,easier for teachers and nurses to buy houses (why them).Jump on the plastic bag bandwagon,rip off drinkers and smokers and of course spend to develop road pricing technology etc etc and fuel increase put off until October ( big deal) doesnt help us now with the cost.Of course a lot of the 'benefits are not until next year,but that will probably be election year so it will all change if they fear not getting back in.
Not much indication that they are to spend road tax revenue on improving the country's infrastructure. Still when the so called "green" protest industry has dragged us back into the 18th century it won't make much difference, we will all be in the same boat. Except those who have well paid government sponsored jobs in the "global warming industry".
Jun 20, 2007
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same old story,rich get richer and the poor are one step from the work house.Never mind we'll all be fine just so long as we dont smoke,dont drink,dont drive,dont own a 4x4 etc(let alone,god forbid,a caravan!!)

So along as you,walk to work(public transport too costly due to fuel increase)regardless of distance,buy suffcient food that you can carry in your arms only(or if your lucky enough to own them,2 shopping bags,1 for each hand),give up 'vannin and take up tenting,just live to work, die early,we'll all be ok!!
Jun 4, 2007
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Plotter suggested 'a bit of a non event', I watched at lunch time and I'm sure I must have fallen asleep and missed something; I'm still sitting here waiting for the interesting bit.

Even the plastic bag issue was a non event, supermarkets, don't be so naughty or else I may get cross sometime, one day, maybe.

So, I've just looked up the Rd tax on my 226 gram (g rated) tow car which needs renewing at the end of the month, last year paid
Nov 7, 2005
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Those who think the Budget hasn't hit them too hard might do well to look at Glenn's discovery over on Towcars Topic - Massive Road Tax Increase... Reckon quite a few will be in for a shock!

As usual, the devil is in the detail - never truer than in a Budget!
Jan 2, 2006
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What many may forget when they heard in the budget that he is going to apply a 'showroom' tax to gas guzzlers is that on a new car you pay Car Tax upon which you pay VAT so now there will be a secondary Car Tax on which to charge vat and then of course to drive it away you have to pay for the Road Tax and of course fill the tank when you pay Fuel Tax upon which you pay VAT,and if they have their way you then will have to pay to use the road with Road Pricing or congestion charges bith of which attract VAT.It could be worse I suppose ( no it couldnt)
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all


many moons ago I started a tread regarding the ever increasing trend towards larger heavier vans, and the nesesity to own large heavier more poluting cars and 4x4s in order to tow them and suggested that the cost of caravanning would become probitive (Causing people to give up the hobby). I offered my alternative to the situation ie: smaller lighter van and the smallest most cost effective and eco friendly car possible to tow it with, in doing so I was given loads of stick and derision by the 4x4 brigade.

however with the passing of time it seems I was not so crazy after all, fuel has gone up 25p a litre and the latest budget preposals on road tax appear to be proving me right,(supprising eh?)yet with a towing mpg of 35 and a car rated @ 135mg of co per km, (my road tax is actually falling)I feel vidicated in my views.

my only comment today to those who held that apposing view,

I TOLD YOU S0 !!!! you wanted them good, so now pay for them and stop belly aching about it, (gloat over!!).

as I neither drink or smoke the tax hike does not affect me either but the dropping of the base rate to 20% does, think I will crack open a bottle of fresh orange juice to celebrate??.

how does that song go!!!! ho happy, happy days,

Jul 11, 2005
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Hi Dell Dave

That is what I drive. owned it for 6 years now. Yes they are built like a tank and very reliable. Have taken the value drop so shall now keep it.

Drives like a dream [good, not wet] so why not!!

Mar 14, 2005
I can't understand why they single out new cars with poor emissions for higher taxes. As if older cars, which are just as polluting, were any better for the environment. If they were really honest with being green they'd have raised the tax for all irrespective of age and, in return, offered tax incentives to scrap older cars.
Sep 8, 2006
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Feel I had to add more comments here - on just how bad things are getting. Went to the emergency dentist tonight (nhs one) thinking I could have a filling to releive the pain - they told me I can only have a temporary filling and to find a dentist as soon as you can!! After nearly wetting myself with laughter I refused the temporary filling which was going to cost me
Jun 4, 2007
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I acknowledge your point of view but based on your theory why not go the extra leap and ban cars larger than a smart car, infact why not ban the lot.

There are fundamental differences between new and existing cars.

With a new car you know the emmissions and the taxes (Costs) involved prior to purchase so you have a choice, if you choose the high emmitter then you expect to pay for it.

In the case of existing vehicles the purchaser had no concept that the government would apply a fine called Rd tax at
Mar 14, 2005
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Its a crazy way of selecting cars to suite emission discharge.

As the more modern diesel engines are far more efficient than the older pre 2001 cars.

I suppose the next thing will be stiffer MOT tests, when i was in Germany around 1956 you could buy second hand cars I think about six years old maybe less quite cheap as the German car insurance used to get very expensive the longer the Germans kept the car,Did not apply to us as we registered and insured the very same cars, using special plates for the forces.
Mar 14, 2005
If it was true in the 50's, Royston, it certainly doesn't apply today. Insurance premiums in Germany don't increase with the age of the car and vehicle tax does not differentiate by age either. German road tax is dependent on emissions, proportional to engine size and whether petrol or diesel (diesel is considerably more expensive although diesel fuel is cheaper - this is to help commercial vehicle operators who cover high mileages with their vehicles)


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