CAMC circular.

May 24, 2014
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Just had a circular, as I presume the rest of you members will get, which tends to suggest that along with government advice, the club sites will be staying open, albeit with extra sanitizing precautions.

It appears that they are taking the suggestion of uneccessary travel to mean foreign travel. However, you have to wonder if its worth going away as everything will be closed, food and supplies hard to come by.
Sep 5, 2016
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I think the only premises that will be open in the coming days will be the supermarkets even our British Legion could be closed next week,
Mar 8, 2009
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This is e mail we've just recieved, ---- find it remarkable really that C&MC are immune to Coronavirus, and other gatherings are shut, closed, abandoned, but sharing of facilities, taps, etc, is ok. --- Really!!!????​

I know that many of you are concerned about the coronavirus situation and the impact it may have.

For me, being a part of a Club is so very important. As a Club we are a community of like-minded people, enjoying similar pursuits and pastimes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support, and trust, in our Club.

For the past few days we have been focussing our attention on repatriating our members who were overseas and affected by the introduction of country-specific travel restrictions.

Now, I want to give you all a briefing on UK travel.

Booking with confidence:
Following on from recent Government announcements, we want to let you know that the majority of our UK campsite network is already open and ready to welcome you.

We know that some members may wish to change their overseas and UK travel plans, and we totally understand.

For UK bookings we recognise at the moment that members may need to amend a date or cancel a booking ‘last minute’. Until further notice, the Club will waive restrictions for late amendment or cancellation prior to arrival, including within 72 hours of arrival.

In line with Government advice, we have taken the decision to close our bars and restaurants on site.

For European travel, we’ll also be waiving Club amendment fees for all bookings, regardless of European travel destination or travel date.

Hygiene, enhanced cleaning & social distancing:
The safety and wellbeing of members, guests and staff is of paramount importance to us. We will continue to follow Government and Public Health England advice and guidelines.

We’ve introduced a number of measures including increasing the rigour of cleaning and sanitising products, and enhanced disinfecting of common surfaces across offices and campsites. In addition we are introducing a number of social distancing practices at our sites, in order to support government guidelines.

We would ask for your support in helping to keep everybody safe by regular hand washing, with soap and water, for at least 20 seconds and supporting the social distancing practices. Posters have been placed on Club campsites as a reminder for all site visitors.

The Government has also introduced social distancing guidance - information is available here:

Stay up-to-date:
To ensure you remain up to date with the latest advice and information with this fast moving situation, please visit which is being regularly updated with the latest information and advice.

Sadly our community, and indeed the world, finds itself in uncharted waters. These are unprecedented times we are living in. Now is the time we need to pull together and support one another, and our Club.

I want to reassure you all of the Club’s commitment to meeting this challenge. Thank you for your continued support, and I’m sure you will join me in recognising and thanking our dedicated staff who are all working incredibly hard to make sure we can continue to serve you, our members.

Nick Lomas
Director General
Caravan and Motorhome Club

May 7, 2012
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The risk to you going away in the caravan does not seem seriously different to staying at home, providing you use the caravans own facilities and to assess if it is worth it you have to look at what you will do when you get there. If you want to visit things then in the main there is no point. If you like walking, fishing and the like then you should be OK. The club serves its members who have to decide for themselves on the risks and the very modest income they get staying open probably helps them in the current situation.
I did go down to the caravan stored on a club site yesterday to move it a bit to protect the tyres and there were about 14 on the site. This means they will have taken about £300 from them which will help. I know this is a seriously difficult one and there is probably no right answer.
People who have had the virus though should be safe and presumably they will want to use their caravans also.
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