Campbells of Preston

Mar 14, 2005
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Just took delivery of our 2002 Ace Award Northstar from Campbells, Preston. We cannot praise them enough for the service we recieved. If only they sold cars, washing machines, plasterers, plumbers etc etc, life would be much less hassle!

Mark E
Apr 11, 2005
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I bought my van from campells and it was six months old, it still smelt new, OBVIOUSLY well cared for by the owner,even though a short time, they showed me in one and it absolutely stunk of dogs and there were hairs everywhere,dont get me wrong I like dogs but I dont have one so didnt want a van that smelt of one !! OK a full valet only when its sold but come on , how on earth are they gonna sell vans that stink of damp and dogs !!!!
Mar 16, 2005
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Mr. Moderator has been at it again, for the 2nd time in a week he's removed my post and a couple of others. Maybe Campbells is sponsoring this website, hope they aren't cos it's likely to horribly wrong if they are.
Mar 14, 2005
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My owne as well. Especially annoying as we were asking that they would talk to us about the problems and reply to communications sent about them. Maybe dealing with problems is the doggy thing!

Its interesting how touchy caravan newsgroups/trade are/is compared to many others that openly deal with problems with manufactures and retailers. See for example PC Pro where there is a vender news group that holds few punches over problems people have experienced.
Mar 16, 2005
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Our Forum Etiquette rules state that we cannot publish individual complaints about companies. These should be taken up direct with the company.

Our legal advice is that such uncorroborated allegations could give rise to a tortious action in defamation.

As a fellow caravanner I am not comfortable enforcing this rule, being a believer in free speech, name and shame etc, but Haymarket publishing have looked into the matter and the law in this case would probably be on the side of the company being libelled. They have to protect you and themselves from such a situation.

If you would like to take up this matter, could I suggest you contact PCV's publisher, Alison Gill,


PCV Forum
Mar 14, 2005
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I note that Mark's letter of praise has not been removed. It looks to me like Campbell's only want one sided comments and can't take the heat. I thought you could only be libelling somebody if you were telling untruths and that would have to be tested in a court of law. Campbell's action has put me off buying anything from them. Surely the purpose of the forum is to swop experiences. Some will be good - some will be bad. There is nothing to stop Campbells using the forum to deny the alleged complaint.

Much as I admire PC I personally think this is where they fall down. They are not good at representing the caravanner and all to easily report about their advertisers in glowing terms. We have had *&* insurance, now Campbells, who is next? possibly Haven who get slated in this forum but are in 'partnership' with PC.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think you all delude yourself if you think that the publishers are 'on your side'. The publishers are on their side. Whilst some of those working for PC might be very enthusiastic caravanners the publishers will be publishing PC and its other titles merely so that they can generate money. One very big source of income for magazines is advertising and, as the saying goes 'do not bite the hand that is feeding you'. I dare say that the publishers care more about losing an advertiser than a couple of Joe Public buyers of a magazine. Therefore, you will not find a magazine campaigning for you if it will be at the possible expense of losing and advertiser. Perhaps Mr / Ms Moderator would care to illustrate the point by letting us know how much a half page advert is in PC


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