Sep 23, 2008
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In this months CC magazine there is a letter entitled 'Time for a Break?' Page 64. It is written by a club warden in reply to a reader in April's issue which in turn refers to one in Feb.

I was really surprised that the CC club allowed the letter to be printed. The warden comes across as treating us, the campers with contempt and goes on about not having time for a lunch break.

Having seen many wardens sitting around sunbathing and finding few who really take the time to be pleasant. I am beginning to wonder if we are in a recession and whether this attitude is one that is endorsed by the CC management. Or is this a lapse by the editor who himself was outside sunning himself when the article went to press.
Feb 16, 2009
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In the four years l have been in the CC l have nothing but praise for the Wardens, they have always been helpful and polite, in some 40 site visits in that time l have never seen them sunbathing or sat around do nothing.

Once about two years ago at West Ayton CC in early October their was a bad accident on the A64, in atrocious whether conditions the wardens took all the late arrivals of which their must have been thirty or forty family's to their respected pitches in pitch darkness, this took place from 7-30 until the last one was pitched at 10-30 that evening.

I am sure other members of the CC have been helped by the Wardens in other ways.

Thanks to all the wardens on sites l visited for their help, you do a Stirling job.

Mar 14, 2005
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I have to agree with NGH, i to have nothing but praise for the wardens. We have been using CC sites for the last 9 years and all the wardens we have met have been first class. We were also volunteers with the CC for a number of years. Now that is a real eye opener. The mess that some people leave on site and in toilet blocks actually shocked me, and its the warden that has to clear up. There is a lot of work go on behind the scenes to keep CC sites up to the standard members expect, its not all racing around on tractors cutting grass. If the site is in good order then the warden is doing his job and probably deserves to put his feet up at times!
Mar 14, 2005
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In 30 years we have only met 2 stroppy wardens

One was on a CC site in Shropshire and the other was in Berlin in 1991 where the warden/warder was we were sure redeployed foom his previous post as an East German border guard

The site was at Kladow alongside the remains of the wire fence between east and west

We do make sure that we approach them with due reverence making sure to bow,leave chocolates or sweets and always express grovelling appreciation when we leave


May 7, 2005
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With 30 years membership can we endorse "l have been in the CC l have nothing but praise for the Wardens, they have always been helpful and polite".

Never have we seen them sitting around sunning themselves sunbathing, let alone "many times"; probably idly chatting to one of us but that's all part of convivially doing the job and not something we want changing.

The points made in the letter were valid and all too often we see the selfish few who feel arriving well before noon their right; having said that the wardens ought to know by now that these selfish people are there and take a good breakfast as they are going to need it to remain their normal cheerful helpful selves.
Sep 23, 2008
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The comment that I made refers to the letter in the CC magazine. Equally I state 'many wardens' and not 'many times'.

The letter, being printed by the CC should have been thrown in the bin. Whether the warden has that point of view is irrelevant, they should as part of customer care, not have shown their emotions in print. As such the CC is endorsing that view.

I have no doubt that toilets are left in a deplorable state, visit any public toilet and you will find the same.

It is interesting to note that such an attitude appears to be prevalent in the 'Friendly Club' on another part of this forum.

It is after all a club and there for the benefit of its members and to be run for their benefit, not for the Wardens.

I state this as a point of discussion on the letter and policy of CC, not on the good/bad points of some wardens. Hopefully we will not end up with capital letters.
Mar 14, 2005
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You seem to have been very unfortunate in you sites visited or we have been really fortunate

We only use CC and C & CC Club sites in UK and average 100 days/nights a year

We haven't seen such wardens as described

All sites we have visited have been maintained to a high standard with well kept grass and pitches and regularly cleaned toilet blocks that have been a credit to the hard working staff

Sorry about the capitsls but they are initial letters

We don't have to agree
Mar 14, 2005
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Alex, you state that "as such the club is endorsing that view". I haven't looked, but you'll probably find a disclaimer saying that the views expressed by writers are not neccsesarily the views of the club.
Sep 23, 2008
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The letter that sparks this topic is in July 2009 (this month's) CC magazine.

Read it and follow the topic back and you can see the thread.

The other point about the letter is that the Warden, Sue Greenaway (got this from the mag) does not state at which site she is based.

The last paragraph reads 'Di while you are enjoying your walk and letting your lunch digest - some of us haven't had any as we were busy seeing to your needs'.

I have made no reference to grass, pitches or toilet blocks, merely the letter and thus the CC endorsing the view of this Warden and the CC as a whole. It is irrelevant whether this is a view of all Wardens, as printing the letter possibly makes it representative of all.
Sep 23, 2008
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Alex, you state that "as such the club is endorsing that view". I haven't looked, but you'll probably find a disclaimer saying that the views expressed by writers are not neccsesarily the views of the club.
Good point Emmerson. I have looked through the letters part and can see no comment to that effect. My point still stand that if an individual who worked for a company expressed a view in writing which was later published, then that view seems to imply policy.

Whilst a bit 'ott', government thinking stated off the record by a minister becomes policy.
Dec 16, 2003
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I've no complaints about CC or C&CC wardens. You reap as you sow. Yes, I've encountered one or two looking a little stressed, possibly even terse now and again, but they are human. Some of the 'clients' on the other hand have no idea how to behave at all, or if they do they just don't care.

Isolated complaints aside, if anyone finds themselves thinking that "many" wardens are not as helpful, friendly or hard working as they should perhaps consider whether they themselves are the common factor, or at least stop to think about what the wardens have to do. I certainly wouldn't begrudge a warden a bit of sunbathing, though I've never seen it - the site is their home, for heaven's sake, and their hours are not exactly 9 'til 5.

The only member I have actually seen falling out with a warden was upset because he had been asked respectfully not to let his dog out first thing to 'lay a cable' on the grass between our caravan and his motorhome, while he had a lie-in. My sympathy on that occasion was with the warden and the dog.
Dec 16, 2003
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Yes, I'll be interested to see it but we don't seem to have received our July magazine yet...

I'm instinctively empathising with the warden, as my general rule is to have as little to do with the general public as possible, to avoid disappointment;-)
Mar 14, 2005
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Yes, I'll be interested to see it but we don't seem to have received our July magazine yet...

I'm instinctively empathising with the warden, as my general rule is to have as little to do with the general public as possible, to avoid disappointment;-)
Thanks will stop looking for ours!!
Dec 16, 2003
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Yes, I'll be interested to see it but we don't seem to have received our July magazine yet...

I'm instinctively empathising with the warden, as my general rule is to have as little to do with the general public as possible, to avoid disappointment;-)
Ours came today. I don't recall the previous letters, but this one seemed pretty tame to me. Just made the point that they start at 8 and frequently don't get a break until 3.30pm.
Mar 14, 2005
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I got my mag today and read the letter as an explanation of the hard work and selflessness of many steward/wardens

In mainland Europe many sitea are closed for midday from 12noon to 2 pm with no movement allowed on site

I have waited with a dozen other vans to be let on site on more than one occasion

2 weeks ago we tried to stop at a site at Roscoff only to find that the office was closed from 12noon on Saturday until Monday morning

We don't know when we are well off
Jul 11, 2006
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There are many CC wardens ive encountered that would benefit from 'people skills' training.

Perhaps the people that they are dealing with at the time are some of the problem.

I have never had a problem with any CC wardens, I try to treat them as I myself would like to be treated, however after dealing with the general public in my job for over 20 years I understand what they are up against in some cases.


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