Clarkson’s Farm

Jun 20, 2005
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Anyone been watching the Diddly Squat Farm series?
Cotswold based , and an eye opener on how hard it is for a Farmer to make any dosh. The problem? Local Authority Planning, Nimbyism, short sightedness, but the other side is those who want a quiet peaceful Countryside. Judge for yourselves . No wonder our food prices are ever increasing😢😢
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Nov 11, 2009
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Anyone been watching the Diddly Squat Farm series?
Cotswold based , and an eye opener on how hard it is for a Farmer to make any dosh. The problem? Local Authority Planning, Nimbyism, short sightedness, but the other side is those who want a quiet peaceful Countryside. Judge for yourselves . No wonder our food prices are ever increasing😢😢

I enjoyed its entertainment content but certainly the inputs from his specialist advisor brought home how complex the business environment is, plus dealing with possible bovine TB. As for the planners….. or is it councillors, nuff said.

My granddaughter drove over to Diddly Squat and was somewhat disappointed, and I’ve had nicer onion chutneys. 🙈
Sep 26, 2018
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I've loved both series, and I hate Clarkson! He quite rightly won a British Farming award for the first series. I had family connections with farming - a relative gave up farming in the mid 1990's when the price he was given for a potato crop was EXCATLY THE SAME as his father got in 1930!!!!!! CHeap food is all very well, but with good farming capabilities in this country and supermarkets screwing the prices down and loading the risk onto their suppliers we are doomed...
Nov 16, 2015
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I a surprised that no one has mentioned that the Chipping Norton Camping and Caravan club site is about 100 yards from the Didley Squat farm shop.
WF85+R7G Chipping Norton
Jun 16, 2020
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I've loved both series, and I hate Clarkson! He quite rightly won a British Farming award for the first series. I had family connections with farming - a relative gave up farming in the mid 1990's when the price he was given for a potato crop was EXCATLY THE SAME as his father got in 1930!!!!!! CHeap food is all very well, but with good farming capabilities in this country and supermarkets screwing the prices down and loading the risk onto their suppliers we are doomed...

I also enjoyed both series. But I actually like Clarkson, though I understand people either love or hate him. Apart from the Marmite effect he has, the show gets important points across. A bit of an eye-opener.

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Jun 20, 2005
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I a surprised that no one has mentioned that the Chipping Norton Camping and Caravan club site is about 100 yards from the Didley Squat farm shop.
WF85+R7G Chipping Norton
I see the C&CC helped him with power and water supplies. Handy for those on site, maybe if you like his food and beer🍺
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Feb 13, 2022
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I also enjoyed both series. But I actually like Clarkson, though I understand people either love or hate him. Apart from the Marmite effect he has, the show gets important points across. A bit of an eye-opener.

I think that Clarkson haters take him far too seriously. Like his Meghan markle comments. It's just hyperbolic ranting and we all do it at times. Someone at my (public sector) work took umbrage about his comments that striking civil servants "should be shot". I'm always saying people should be shot. It doesn't mean I literally want them to be killed. I frequently shout at my cat "DO YOU WANT MY BOOT UP YOUR ****?" when she's ripping my sofa to shreds. I'd never actually treat an animal in that way, especially not my cat who I love to bits but just the shouting is enough to stop her, and it doesn't offend her either. These days people just take things out of context and interpret everything for maximum offence, I suppose if the wrong person heard me bellowing "threats" at the cat they might call the RSPCA who would come out to see a very happy and well looked after cat. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent but point made.
Mar 14, 2005
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... I'm always saying people should be shot. It doesn't mean I literally want them to be killed. I frequently shout at my cat "DO YOU WANT MY BOOT UP YOUR ****?" when she's ripping my sofa to shreds. I'd never actually treat an animal in that way, especially not my cat who I love to bits but just the shouting is enough to stop her, and it doesn't offend her either. These days people just take things out of context and interpret everything for maximum offence, I suppose if the wrong person heard me bellowing "threats" at the cat they might call the RSPCA who would come out to see a very happy and well looked after cat. Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent but point made.
One of the major problems with anonymous forums like PCF, the reader cannot be aware of the circumstances or see writers face when they make statements, so they have no way of knowing if a comment is meant in jest or designed to deliberately hurt or offend.

Just becasue PC forums are anonymous does not mean you can freely be aggressive or confrontational with no consequences.

I suggest you only make comments that you mean and will be happy to be associated with, and that you would make infront of any person including the original poster.
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Jun 16, 2020
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One of the major problems with anonymous forums like PCF, the reader cannot be aware of the circumstances or see writers face when they make statements, so they have no way of knowing if a comment is meant in jest or designed to deliberately hurt or offend.

Just becasue PC forums are anonymous does not mean you can freely be aggressive or confrontational with no consequences.

I suggest you only make comments that you mean and will be happy to be associated with, and that you would make infront of any person including the original poster.

I had absolutly no problem with any part of the post you quoted. I saw or took no offence.

Some common sense has to be applied by the reader. Are you one of the people Christhecaravanner was refering to with.

These days people just take things out of context and interpret everything for maximum offence”

Nov 11, 2009
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I had absolutly no problem with any part of the post you quoted. I saw or took no offence.

Some common sense has to be applied by the reader. Are you one of the people Christhecaravanner was refering to with.

These days people just take things out of context and interpret everything for maximum offence”

I really don't think your comments wrt Profs post are appropriate. Why bother commenting on #8 just let it rest. Clarkson is a national character and even he apologised for his article which went international. Whereas wanting people shot or the cat kicked is a more limited rant. Would you like it if Clarkson made such comments about your wife/daughters etc
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Jun 16, 2020
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I really don't think your comments wrt Profs post are appropriate. Why bother commenting on #8 just let it rest. Clarkson is a national character and even he apologised for his article which went international. Whereas wanting pope shot or the cat kicked is a more limited rant. Would you like it if Clarkson made such comments about your wife/daugters etc

Thats really not what the post was about. Clearly, we see these things very very differently.

Nov 16, 2015
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I had absolutly no problem with any part of the post you quoted. I saw or took no offence.

Some common sense has to be applied by the reader. Are you one of the people Christhecaravanner was refering to with.

These days people just take things out of context and interpret everything for maximum offence”

I fully agree with you there,
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Feb 13, 2022
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One of the major problems with anonymous forums like PCF, the reader cannot be aware of the circumstances or see writers face when they make statements, so they have no way of knowing if a comment is meant in jest or designed to deliberately hurt or offend.

Just becasue PC forums are anonymous does not mean you can freely be aggressive or confrontational with no consequences.

I suggest you only make comments that you mean and will be happy to be associated with, and that you would make infront of any person including the original poster.
Sorry John but I have no idea what you are talking about. I’ve got a feeling you have massively misunderstood my post.
Jun 20, 2005
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How does a simple post about a National celebrity doing his best for farming, employing people, thinking about crop rotation and animal husbandry, fine farm dining for all pockets end up with the discord on here.
Frankly I really don’t understand what the griping is all about!
I started this thread as something of interest, a pioneer in farming, a discourse in local planning etc and here we go scrapping on minutiae. I’m reaching the stage where PCv is no longer any fun, just key board warriors poking each other for I don’t know what. Say it to my face or frankly in the immortal words of the old record “ shuttuppa your face”🤬


Nov 12, 2009
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One of the major problems with anonymous forums like PCF, the reader cannot be aware of the circumstances or see writers face when they make statements, so they have no way of knowing if a comment is meant in jest or designed to deliberately hurt or offend.

Just becasue PC forums are anonymous does not mean you can freely be aggressive or confrontational with no consequences.

I suggest you only make comments that you mean and will be happy to be associated with, and that you would make infront of any person including the original poster.
If there had been intentional aggression or confrontation in the post that you appear to be referring to Prof, I'd have removed the offensive material.
There's a massive difference between the offering of a colloquilalism to make a point and reality.
You are a helpful intelligent and valued long term member of this forum Prof, and if you have legitimate concerns about any material that appears on the message boards, it would be best to contact me off forum and I will be more than happy to address your concerns.
A pedantic finger wagging post aimed at fellow forum members isn't helpful.


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