cleaning water system

May 2, 2005
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Advice welcomed, have layed caravan up over winter,i am going to clean water system out over weekend with sterilising solution, but first time i have done with water heater and water filter system. can i run through without filter in situe and is it alright to run solution through water heater, but will it fill the heater first so do you have to then drain off again after sterilising. many thanks for any advice.
Apr 15, 2005
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Hi Nigel

You need to buy a suitable chemical like Kemdirect descaler/pipe cleaner and put the solution into your water container and make sure it is mixed up and then pump throughout the whole of your water system, hot and cold. Then collect the waste water when it has been through the system. Repeat this with clear wtaer and the job should be done.

If you use a chemical like kemdirect there will be no damage to filters, seals or washers and you will have no smell or after taste, it is completely biodegradable and brand new to the market place from Holland and completely safe to use in all water areas and can also be used as descaler in the home.
Mar 14, 2005
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when cleaning the fresh water system,regardless what you use,kemdirect,milton fluid or whatever. you should change the filter AFTER you have cleaned and flushed thoroughly through.
Oct 27, 2005
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Just reading this with interest. Where is the filter? I know when we put our van away in Nov having just bought it I flushed the system through, but I don,t know where the filter is. Please help. Denise
Oct 3, 2005
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I use MILTON at one litre per barrel,then i leave the water container to stand for 24 hours to clean them then i put the same through the system,leaving that in the caravan water tank for 48 hours,then i flush out with just clean water,ive had no problem that way as ive been doing that for years,and its cheap,

Regards Ed
Nov 7, 2005
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Tip - especially as Joyce and Clarky have opposite views on filters! You would do well to change your filters every year (if you have your van serviced, it shd be part of the job), but make sure you retain the old one each time and fit it back on just for the sterilisation process...
May 2, 2005
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Thank you for all your advice, also managed to speak to local friendly service guy, told me to take out old filter which we replace every month (during summer), and pull white plastic from clear threaded part and replace finger tight so that system does not leak. In the process of now doing brought forward thanks to quice responce.