Clubs in General

Aug 23, 2009
Is it normal that sometimes it's embarrassing to be in a club whatever it is, where the power hungry and jeolous victimise people just because they consider them selves to be in a position powerful enough to do so??? When I was 18 I was in Rotaract and we never had such immature behaviour despite our age but it now seems there are few people any of us can genuinely call friends and only those few can actually be trusted not to be devious underhand and relentless in their hunting. Has anyone else had problems with the judgemental and hypocritical being in charge to the detriment of the smooth running of a club or organisation. I thought people were in clubs to enjoy a mutual interest and have fun whatever the activity may be, and that people were on a committee to ensure that a club or organisation ran smoothly to achieve (within the law, and necessary rules) the common goal of the club or organisation. Rant over for now but may be more to come, may even buy a Bailey next! hahaha


Mar 17, 2007
As the saying goes, Power corrupts..........etc
Sorry to hear you've had a bad expereince, but nothing like a good rant to make you feel better. Do vent again if needed.
May 7, 2012
If you are refering to the two large clubs I do not think you will have a problem although the odd warden can be a bit over zealous. If you rally you might find that your local association can have problems but it is by no means universal. Basically the problem with clubs is finding volunteers to run them and often you have little choice but to accept anyone who will do the job as they are the only ones available and wanting power may be the reason they volunteer in the first place, they then bully the others and you end up with a committee of their clones.
May 14, 2009
I know exactly what you mean. I was Chairman of an owners club for 4yrs. I stood down at each A.G.M. but was re elected along with several other members, then the power struggle and pettyness started. Certain committee members, some l thought were close friends, wanted to take over completely but couldn't because of the electoral rules of the club.Eventually it came to a full on confrontation between the committee members and we were told that if l didn't stand down then all support from our caravan supplier/ servicing agent would be withdrawn. So for the good of the club, for which l was passionate about, I resigned on the spot, followed by most of the committee. This just left the supplying agent and the rally secretary. I was sad to leave but feel comfortable with the knowledge that with the members continuous support over the past few years and the majority of the committee following me out I was doing a reasonable job.So you are right to question the lure of power. Beware club committee's, this can also happen to you.
Aug 15, 2011
It's a funny world the club/owners club scene.
when I looked at the owners club site for my van the forum did not seem to be used much and people had trouble trying to join and at times their emails went unanswered.
This does not inspire confidence in wanting to be part of the scene.
I have found it better to just talk to other owners when on sites.


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