A little bit of background: we bought a brand new Coachman Lusso I in June 2023. We had to have a tracker fitted as a condition of insurance, which meant that we had to keep the battery on. We thought that the solar panel would generate around 20 volts to recharge the battery so we were surprised when 3 weeks later, we had a call from the tracker company that our tracker was off. Having run the battery down we had to buy a new one, and again, put it on the caravan. And again, 3 weeks later, another call, tracker was off. So this time we bought two batteries and alternated. Due to my husband‘s ill health we have not used the caravan since we bought it. This week we met up with a friend of my husband who also parks his caravan in the same site, his coachman generates 21 volts, and checking ours, we got 0 volts.
We have taken the caravan back to the dealers Tuesday 12th December, and have had a phone call asking us to collect it. But the solar panel is not fixed.
My question is : what are our options? Do we take the caravan back to storage and keep changing the battery? Do we insist the dealer keeps it until fixed? Do we return the caravan back to coachman and ask for a full refund?
Thanks in advance for your help.
We have taken the caravan back to the dealers Tuesday 12th December, and have had a phone call asking us to collect it. But the solar panel is not fixed.
My question is : what are our options? Do we take the caravan back to storage and keep changing the battery? Do we insist the dealer keeps it until fixed? Do we return the caravan back to coachman and ask for a full refund?
Thanks in advance for your help.