Aug 23, 2009
Great weekend at Eden Camp with the Coachman owners club, lots of fun had by all as usual!!
Jan 5, 2016
We have been members of the Coachman Owners Club for a long time and have never joined them on a Rally, mainly because most of the Rallies are held in the North, the few that are held in the South are always at the time when we are abroad, we would love to go on the Factory Rally alas it is when we are in Spain
Aug 23, 2009
Bojeryng said:
We have been members of the Coachman Owners Club for a long time and have never joined them on a Rally, mainly because most of the Rallies are held in the North, the few that are held in the South are always at the time when we are abroad, we would love to go on the Factory Rally alas it is when we are in Spain

Being a past member and past committee member I would imagine the answer from the committee would be to organise and run your own rally. That is of course the only option open to you, how much support you would get I couldn't possibly say.
Dec 21, 2012
To Bojeryng,
As a current COC member I would agree with Martin24's comments. I am sure that the club would welcome any new rally officer, particularly if you would wish to run a rally down south. There are two rallies (counting Wales)
this year down south and I believe there were two last year, so it would be welcome to add choice for myself and other members if you were to do so. The vast majority of COC members are however based in two areas of the UK
Yorkshire and the West Midlands and hence those of us who do put ourselves forward to run COC rallies, will of course run them where they find suitable. So my message to you, is yes, go on run a rally for COC and please, don't be either just an armchair critic of the COC or just another one who only joins for the opportunity of a factory visit that membership affords and then is never ever to be seen again.
A Happy New (Rallying) Year to all.
Jan 5, 2016
I am not criticisng as you mentioned just stating facts, I also said that the Rallies that would be convenient are always when we are abroad,
Aug 23, 2009
Bojeryng said:
I am not criticisng as you mentioned just stating facts, I also said that the Rallies that would be convenient are always when we are abroad,

I do not wish to wash any dirty laundry in public but wish to endeavour to put my opinion with more clarity for you so as you do not feel that any offence was taken.

Unfortunately it is likely that the committee, as it stands, would look upon any comment as criticism and I can assure you whenever the issue is raised, which it has been many times the attitude is always that they live up here and they aren't going to run anything down in the south. If anyone wants to they can do it themselves. Another problem then is that all the equipment for running a rally is based in the north and people are very unwilling, even if they were going to attend a rally out of area, to transport any equipment with them. It is an ongoing problem because no one from the south would be welcomed onto the committee either as there would be the issue of attending meetings.

On the subject of the factory rally the general attitude towards people that make the effort to attend this event is that they are only coming along to do a free factory visit and won't bother with anything else. And yet they won't help put on rallies elsewhere.

I can assure you that you are in a no win situation. My advice would be to enjoy rallying with either of the main two clubs and or any local groups and give COC a wide berth
Jan 5, 2016
Thanks, I am sorry now that I have just renewed my membership for the year that will probably my last, I have been a member for over 15 years. I was in two minds this year after the petty squabbling that went on in 2015 that was highlighted in Coachlines that I will not menton here
Aug 23, 2009
Beyond petty I can assure you. I've gone as far as to change vans following my experiences with them.


Nov 12, 2009
This thread is beginning to approach breaches of forum etiquette Rule 3 which states that :You may not transmit material that discloses personal matters concerning any person or that is defamatory
It might be best if you discuss your feelings about a rally organisation off forum.
Nov 16, 2015
I think we should remove one of Martins Knighthoods from him as he is now using two. !!!
Nov 16, 2015
Martin, a question, I have tried to google but did not get an answer, I had Vectra 3.o litre V6 diesel with the Isuzu engine do Isuzu still do the V6 ?? The 2.5 has an enourmous amount of torque. Thinking about the Isuzu for towing and something smaller for day to day stuff.
Aug 23, 2009
Over here they only do the one engine which is the 2.5 twin turbo, with either manual or auto boxes. We have been very pleased with the towing performance and so far had no problems with it at all, only done 10k though. The touchscreen can be a bit fiddly on our Utah vision and the 'leather' is dubious but apart from that great tow car and excellent boot space. At the end of the day it will always be a pick up BUT we disregarded all the others at the time for a variety of reasons
Nov 16, 2015
Thanks, I loved the 3.0 intil it started to play up on the fuel ijection at 60 k miles,and the Hyundai gave me an offer I didnt want to loose. Sorry folks i should be on the tow cars section.
Dec 21, 2012
Just as a footnote to the COC item
I was sent the Bailey Owners Club rally programme for 2016.
There are 44 rallies listed - how many in the North ?
(thats North of a line drawn from the Mersey to the Humber),
err, err, err - well none actually.
So its not just COC then !
Nov 16, 2015
We had a look at this years Coachmans at a dealer near Hertford, Normally you find a few items have been improved, but sorry in my opinion, due to getting weight down they appear to have made thing "Tacky", nice to have a solar panel on the roof, great if you want to be off hook up but maybe should be an option. SORRY Coachman, keep my 2013 model, much nicer,
Whats the opinions of others. ?
Aug 23, 2009
Hutch, with you all the way. We never thought we would get anywhere near Coachman perceived quality with the Bailey but we have. Our opinion was things went down form about 2010/11 onwards. Far too flimsy for our liking.

Montrose, There was supposed to be a Bailey rally at York end of last year but it was cancelled due to an issue with the venue. When people suggested other venues (myself included) they were ignored by those running the rally. When we tried to organise a rally in Beverley the emails to the appropriate person were ignored. We haven't renewed our membership for other reasons but if that's the attitude over rallies in the north they'll never happen.


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