Colour Coding Awning Poles

Nov 12, 2009
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hi all, today gave me the first opportunity to take the awning and fittings out of their bags and lay them out on the back garden to have a look at them. we just bought our second hand caravan back in late october and the awning kit came along with it, however, the weather hasnt been too kind recently to even attempt to do this. today was pretty good up here in gods country so i went ahead. wow ! there are quite a few parts to this wee tent thingdy that zips on to the side of the caravan.

looking at all the poles i noticed the previous owner had colour coded them with different tape, fair enough, that would let you know exactly what went where. but, i have no idea to what his code was, so i will be back at square one come the first time it goes up, heaven help mrs highlander :)


Mar 17, 2007
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One way to colour code poles is to put the same colour tape on the ends that fit into each other. Dunno if that helps. BTW I thought you lived in Scotland not Wales.

Feb 15, 2009
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HI! Highlander colour coding should be simple i did the same with my poles (red 2 red ) (blue 2 blue) ect ,ect, but if they do not match for some unknown reason . then start from scratch there should be 1 centre pole with at least 3 other poles going of from it ie, 1xleft,1x right, 1x horizontal maybe more depends on the awning ,then start working each side away from the centre pole until you reach the next corner pole .corner pole should have on it, 1 x front to rear of awning,1x iether going left/right towards centre pole ,1x upright floor to top of awning.this pole could iether be for left or right corner .should be x2, then poles between corners and centre pole at front of awning then upright poles from floor to roof . if problems with these instructions get back in touch will try to make a bit clearer .have you tried to contact the person you bought it from .or try the makers for instructions

hope this helps. duggie

p.s if possible try before you go on site, nothing worse than trying to errectin rain or windy weather good luck .Duggie
Nov 12, 2009
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douglas, cheers buddy, nae worries i am going to hitch up some saturday morning when its a wee bit milder and go to a wasteground next to industrial units. then i can spend all morning/afternoon practicing.

cheers mate.
Dec 30, 2009
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Highlander said

go to a wasteground next to industrial units. then i can spend all morning/afternoon practicing.

Dont spend too much time their as you may find a load of twin axel vans joining you along with their pickups and piles of tarmac lol

Nov 12, 2009
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trucker, nae chance.

we dont have that kinda problem up here, maybes we wouldny allow it :)

i read all the censored posts in here relating to this and find it hard to relate to, as i said we dont get them.