combi boiler problem

Apr 4, 2005
Hi everybody

We have just had a new combi boiler installed and although it seems good for heat etc. it is quite noisy and seems to hum at night when everywhere else is quiet. We had the choice to put it in the garage although it would have been a bigger job so we put it in the airing cupboard in place of the cylinder which was taken out. This cupboard adjoins our bedroom and so i am hearing it at night as i am quite a light sleeper. My OH is quite happy with it but then he doesn't hear it. So what do we do. I have thought about trying to sound-proof the cupboard or horror of horrors, paying for it to be moved to the garage. My OH went strangely quiet when I mentioned this! Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Jun 20, 2005

What make and model? I'll ask my son. He's a Gas Engineer.


Feb 24, 2008
We have our combi boiler in the loft - don't hear anything at all. It may prove a cheaper option to move it a few feet above its present position rather than re route to the garage.

Only downside is if it goes into lock out (which thankfully is quite rare) you have to climb into the loft to re-set - we can reach to do this from the loft ladder. We had it put up there to save space.
Apr 4, 2005
We have our combi boiler in the loft - don't hear anything at all. It may prove a cheaper option to move it a few feet above its present position rather than re route to the garage.

Only downside is if it goes into lock out (which thankfully is quite rare) you have to climb into the loft to re-set - we can reach to do this from the loft ladder. We had it put up there to save space.
Hi Valerie

We would have had it in the loft but we don't have a gable end wall so it could not be up there, but that would have been better I think from a noise point of view.
Jun 14, 2009
Why not leave the boiler off at night and put a thicker duvet on the bed? We have the same problem as you with the noise, but we got used to it. Unless someone is up all night and needs warmth, why heat the house un-necessarily?
Jun 20, 2005

Spoken to my son ; here goes.

1. It should not make any noise, or humming that causes you distress.Certainly not as you describe.

2. When it fires up the pump should be almost silent but you will hear the massive gas burners ignite but they shouldn't be intrusively noisy.

3. He says there is an "Eco heat " button which makes the boiler fire up at night to keep the initial boiler water content hot. Is that the noise you hear at night?? Do you need the boiler set in this mode? Try overnight with "Eco heat" switched off.

4. Call back the people who sold / installed the boiler. Has one of the pipes been stressed to cause a "synpathetic harmonic vibration". Check the flue mountings too. Don't ask me , I'm just the messenger!!

5. Worcester Bosch next to Vaillant are the best combi's available. Suggests you speak to the manufacturer. They have a very good help line.

Hope some of that helps.


May 7, 2007
Hi Chris,

We have the Greenstar 42cdi combi boiler. I think what Dustydog says about the eco button is probably the problem you are having. If it is set to on your boiler will come on at all times of the day and night to re-heat the water that is stored in a small tank inside the boiler. what this does is if you turn on your hot water you will get hot water a bit faster than if the eco setting was turned off, if it's turned off then the water has to warm up which takes a little longer only a few seconds.

The boiler you and I have is probably the best on the market. My old combi lasted 18 years and that sounded like an old steam train at night but this one is realy very quieter.

Hope this helps

Graham (Ponty)
May 7, 2007
Hi Chris,

We have the Greenstar 42cdi combi boiler. I think what Dustydog says about the eco button is probably the problem you are having. If it is set to on your boiler will come on at all times of the day and night to re-heat the water that is stored in a small tank inside the boiler. what this does is if you turn on your hot water you will get hot water a bit faster than if the eco setting was turned off, if it's turned off then the water has to warm up which takes a little longer only a few seconds.

The boiler you and I have is probably the best on the market. My old combi lasted 18 years and that sounded like an old steam train at night but this one is realy very quieter.

Hope this helps

Graham (Ponty)

Ps forgot to say we have our eco set to off.

Graham (Ponty)
Apr 4, 2005
Hi Dustydog and Graham

Thank you both very much for your suggestions. They are very helpful. We are still getting to know the boiler and it's operations so I will check out your suggestions.

Thank you again,

Apr 4, 2005
Hi Dustydog and Graham

Just to let you know I switched off the Eco function and it is much improved noise wise - no midnight surges. There is still a slight hum, but nothing bothersome, so thank you both again.



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