I posted a bit ago about our 14 year old mutt going a bit dotty. She remains mildly dotty but is happy enough. However lately she is incontinent. Little dribbles in the day time, but soaking and soiling her basket when she is asleep. Apparently this is not uncommon in older dogs particularly spayed bitches. Anyway, the vet is treating her for a urinary infection (although this is probably secondary) and then it is on to "sphincter tightening" (what a concept!) medication and possibly hormones. Fortunately downstairs we have moppable laminate floors and she has never been allowed upstairs, let alone on our beds. She has wicker basket. I have wrapped her mattress in a plastic bag and put a bed mat (the sort you can buy for children who bed wet) over the top, so in the morning the wet and soil can be easily gathered up and thrown away. I'm not looking for any advice, as I think we have it covered (literally) but any good ideas or words of wisdom would still be welcome. On the up side she is not distressed or apparently in any discomfort. All good fun!!