Cotswold's- Any Recommendations

Apr 20, 2009
Taking the OH to the Cotswold's towards the end of May looking for a site which we would prefer to be of an average size (not the big boys).

Would like if possible an on site bar/restaurant(likes me pint in the evening). If not possible don't mind a walk to the local pub.

Not yet a member of any of the clubs, cant make our minds up which one to join!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Kevin, as a long standing (or sitting) CC member I know more about them than the other major Club. They have some excellent sites in the Cotswolds from Broadway to Woodstock and several in between, but they also have a wide range of CL's many of them at pubs, so your walk/stagger could be quite short.

if you join CC you can search their website for CL's by county or by major town and use selection filters e.g. at a pub, having electics, adults only, fishing nearby etc. etc.

Cl's are 5 vans max, so you wouldn't feel overpowered. Oh and Hook Norton beer is excellent - if only my advanced years would permit more of it. Cheers !
Jan 4, 2009
Having been a member of the CC for many years, our visits to the Cotswolds have been grand, as the CC sites @ Moreton in Marsh, and Burford have always been reasonably central for good visits to the Cotswolds.

Broadway is a fairly new CC Site and I have heard that it is a great addition to CC presence in the area.

Join the CC would be my recommendation, although I am biased!!!

Go and enjoy what is a lovely area.


Mrs Sheils
Apr 20, 2009
Thanks for your replies guy's and girl's.

You've convinced me, CC member I shall become.

Ray hope the beer is as good as you say,let you know when I return!!

Gotta go, going to sign up now, Thanks again.


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